Friday, July 8, 2011

Video Blog

Horrendously depressed today; but productive.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I have left all forums,,,for EXACTLY the same reason you have...People become something they would not be normally when no one can see them...and while it can make life better for some...I felt it cruel and painful...not to bring up a crappy event but the whole thing on the LC forums...well I quit because of what happened with you....there was some pretty cruel stuff going on...I read lots of the threads and blogs to keep from eating crap...posted just s few a violation for something no one ever was not just politics are VERY important to me...gardening and cooking forums seemed "safe" ...not hardly...people lie...they are cruel...and they can be scary! Blogs are nice! I can read about food gardening...Mental health..dieting ..anything...I adore you blog for the way you share your reality! I hope that folks know what you give the world in order to show there IS hope....anyone can should play cards have fun be productive, kind and giving...even with out a full deck!... I have read things in your blog that have helped me in current struggles...each and every time I read your blog I learn something that helps me inspire my are so sincere in your life efforts...many people work with WAY more and acheive FAR less

Thank you so much ....again I will nag you! Houston Heather there really is a book in your life...I hope some day you will be in a place were you can put it to paper....

My garden is overgrown and needs soooo much work...guess where I will be all weekend?

Besides getting my diet in order...I am aiming for five lbs a forgot gardening!

Ron needs to feel a bit of discomfort and get out of bed! The neuropathic pain begets itself...if you do not push forward! And with the drinking he sound so depressed! He looked so good in the lawn mowing video! So good you are working on both your nutrition! Maybe you can get him to move a little more each day? If you play music will he slow dance with you? Between the endorphins and movement it seems silly but it works! Ok nurse hat off...

Many hugs oooxxx

Thank you