Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A long day at work

Heidi, the way I see it I'll either go to the ER if I get acute, or just let it pass on it's own.  I am sick to death of going to doctors for the abdominal pain. 

I looked up my symptoms, it could be anything. 

ANYWAY, Ron knows, so if I get actutely ill he can get help.  I ate a couple of cheddarburgers for dinner.  Seem to be OK. 

As long as I can stock the machines tomorrow, I'm happy.  I just hate vague symptoms and the old chestnut "All your tests came back normal!"  AAAAGH. 

I know, I'm sniveling, and I hate that.  If I vomit up my liver, I'll go to the hospital. 

In the meantime, I'm going to bed.  It'll be a long day at work tomorrow. 

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