Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A profit, on me, for once

Boy, I'm tired.  Part of it: I had some pretty awful nightmares.  The one I remember had me being drugged, and raped, by a large, hairy, white man... more happened after the rape that was bad but not remembered.  The other one was worse, but happily I forgot it.  I don't always enjoy sleep even when I'm able to. 

[shudder]  So, when I woke up, gasping, at 4 AM Ron was already up.  He told me to go back to sleep, we'd go to work tomorrow. 

I went back to sleep and had another dream I slept until late afternoon, when I woke up it was 8 AM.  That's sleeping in, for me.  I knew I couldn't sleep any more so I got up. 

I did my God time, showered, ate, and took my pills.  I decided to run an errand.  I feel, someone needs a Bible.  I needed to mail it.  That means about a 2 hour trip to the Post Office, on the bus.  Happily it was not a large package to mail. 

I packed it, along with plenty of drinks, to go out.  I went to the Christian bookstore first, and looked around.  I picked up an adorable little Bible, purple, with an embossed fake leather cover.  One of my favorite translations.  And, only $5.  I decided it would make me very happy, and got it. 

I had also read some excerpts from "Radical" - a book about evangelism in America.  I wanted to investigate further, and buy it from the bookstore, letting them make a profit on me, for once.  I sat down and read for a while. I liked it. 

The manager grinned when he saw the book "You're going to like it; you're already doing it, though!"  I took that as a compliment.  I got a meal, and went off to ride the 10 million buses it takes to get to the Post Office. 

Of course, I missed one, and had to wait over a half hour.  Happily, I had a bench, and shade.  I finally got to the Post Office, got everything "Squared Away" as Dad would say, and mailed it. 

Speaking of, I called Mom.  I gave her a little update and she enjoyed hearing about my antics.  I went to a thrift store, found some good used books, and went to Starbucks. 

I had good bus transfers to come home from Starbucks, but I'm completely exhausted.  I hope I sleep OK tonight. 

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