Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bring it

I've been having some wierd symptoms, and I'm pretty sick of them.  I expect fatigue, that's standard.  Nausea?  Sure, some.  Some; I haven't been this queasy since I started my Wellbutrin.  Strange abdominal pains?  [rolleyes]  I've been having THEM for at least 13 years. 

Having some undefined ailment is annoying; what takes it to truly awful is the trip to the emergency department.  Wait around, exam.  Blood tests.  Urine.  Wait around.  "Oh, everything came back normal"  WHAT?  "You aren't going to die, you can go home now".  AGH. 

The real scream comes when I get the bill; still paying on a visit in 2009; I got a 1 minute exam, a blood test, and that was it.  They didn't even let me have a bed.  I had to wait in a chair!  For that, $1,300.  [profanity]  That is just stupid. 

That is why I have been reluctant to see anyone.  I mean, it could be anything, or nothing.  I did eat some wheat; maybe my "innards" are displeased.  And that's the other thing; in so many regards, everything is completely normal.  I just have this wierd pain, not too severe, and nausea that is most likely directly related to medication.  Only one way to find out, tests and money.  AGH.  Or, my usual remedy (when "it" flares) - time. 

I'm one of those people who likes to bargain with God.  So, I told Him: I don't care what it is, could we get it over with already?  Have a big spectacular blowout and finally get it fixed?  If so, could You wait until Thursday?  I have some major lifting and stocking to do Wednesday.  Once the machines are stocked, bring it. 

If you've been reading for a while, you know this flares up now and then.  Strange pains, nausea.  Nothing else. 

I am sick of it.  I wish it would hurry up and announce itself; or go away all together. 

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Community health clinic Heather?