Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Large women like you...

Last night I had some gastric troubles... got pretty dehydrated.  Thank  God that did not happen during the handout!  [shudder] 

I had a hard time falling asleep last night, and then up every half hour because I was thirsty, thirsty, thirsty.  Ah, well. 

Ron and I were a little grumbly this morning; went to work.  A lot of work to do; I recieved the Coke delivery and put that up, stocked, recieved deliveries, checked codes, you name it.  Whew! 

We still didn't do it all, and need to go back tomorrow. 

I'm still getting used to my new workboots, but I really like them.  For some reason, I was starving, all day. 

I left about at our pickup time.  Oh, no.  It was her. 

She is notorious.  She is one of those highly controlling people who wants you to be miserable and angry.  She kept doing things to bait me, turning the A/C up on high, asking "Are you cold?" in a phony voice, and then leaving it on. 

The driving... well.  It's a good thing I'm with Jesus.  I counted 3 nearly head-on collisions.  Where a huge truck flew right at me with a monstrous blare of the air horn and she said "Oops", then looked at me to see if I was upset. 

God made it clear to me, a long time ago, the woman wants to push my button.  She is very negative (take care, Heather, not to repeat the mistake!), and hates happy people. 

So, a few funny highlights:
She outweighed me, by about 50 pounds, the time she told me "Large women like you shouldn't wear bright colors". 

Today she kept telling me I was fat, and asking Ron if he thought I was fat.  Ron didn't play and I just laughed at her.  I don't care about her opinion.  She still outweighs me by a good 50 pounds. 

Driving the wrong way on purpose, and then getting upset when I corrected her. 

Anyway, in her mind this was all OK.  You can't reason with that.  I could call in a complaint, and I mentioned to her that I could, when she was deliberately swerving from one lane to another, on the freeway.  "I guess you want me to call Metrolift and report you, huh?"  She stopped. 

In her mind, taking over an hour for a 25 minute trip was perfectly acceptable: she was supposed to take her lunch after she dropped us off.  So, in her mind, if she took her sweet time dropping us off (because we were *only* going home), she would get a later lunch. 

As I got out, I thanked God for the continued use of my legs (I always thank him after a dreadful ride), and reminded Ron "Thank God we get her so seldom!" 

It's very sad, actually. 

"Large women like you" - I was about 180!  [snort]  Compared to 90% of the ridership, I'm anorexic! 

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