Tuesday, May 18, 2021

I wish I could grieve like a cat

 Think about it, stare mournfully at the dead body for 10 minutes, sniff a few times, hide when morgue comes to take him away.  Cry all over the house looking for him for a night.  Then back to normal.  

The human way of grief is much more inefficient.  I am sitting here at my desk wondering how much you want to hear about my grief.  Good question.  

I am OK at work, usually.  Different things will make me sad but not cripple me, like the other day a woman was hanging up a pair of Ron's favorite shorts, they are a basic knit short with an elastic waist.  He lived in them every time we went out in the summer, for years.  Home is worse.  I miss him terribly, I'm depressed, I get angry at the driver who killed him.  I get sad.  I worry about my future.  It's all a big tangle.  

I did do my God Time today so proud of that.  However, something in my tree crapped on me during the evening portion of my devotionals.  I have some "morning and evening" devotionals (3) so I try to get both sides every day.  Rarely I will miss the evening but I don't usually miss the morning.  

Happily it was just a leg but I will have to watch that.  

Generally I just leave the house and go straight to work when I work.   I don't sit around under the tree which looks like a good practice now.  

I also found a dead bird by my bed.  Not sure who got that but likely Spotty or Cleo.  I got rid of it, trash comes tomorrow.  

But my aunt did a lot today; put herself on the mortgage as an authorized representative, turned off Ron's phone she said they were very sorry to hear about him.  Also fixed the insurance so I am primary on that.  Glad that is all done the man with the mortgage company was a little stiff but seemed sincere in his condolences.  

It was just a rough day for grief.  But I will get through it, I have to think I will be better in a year or two.  

I am sure not looking to go through this again any time soon.  

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