Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Day 2, and Wednesday

 I feel like all I am doing is talking about work, or at work, so I won't do much of that.  I can do the job.  It is a sit down (mostly) job which is rare for retail.  So, done with that.  I am getting lots of hours which is great as that means I can support myself off my earnings.  I set up direct deposit, too.  

So.  Transportation has worked out, it's a long ride to/from but doable.  Last night I had some excitement as a big storm front rolled in right as I left work.  I had to deal with some wind 😂 and rain but was OK.  People around me at my transfer points have been fine.  I am not worried about that; crossing the busy street near my home is becoming more comfortable but I am careful.  

And I can use the money I can't live on savings forever.  I did talk to the insurance company about taking Ron off the policy.  They said I will need to send a copy of the death certificate to them along with some information and then they can do that.  I will let my aunt do that she has the death certificate.  

I would rather not look at the death certificate.  

One last thing about work, everyone at the Walmart knew me and Ron because we came in often and were a "cute couple".  One remembered Ron in the kiddie cart with me (it was a plastic seat mounted on the back of a standard cart), playing his music on his talking book machine.  It was heartwarming, and I have gotten more sympathy from people at my NEW job than I did at the old one.  

It is very hard for me to accept, though, I am trying to be gracious and just say "Thank you, I miss him a lot".  Now I am done talking about work.  

Oh, and they are very good at getting breaks and lunches, unlike another major retailer I worked for many years ago.  They verify I have had all my breaks (2) and lunch (1 hour unpaid) for my 9 hour shift, very nice.  I used to have a terrible time at the other place.  

So it has been going pretty well, of course starting a new job is MORE stress but I am confident I will settle in pretty quick.  I have not closed the door to other opportunities, like the bus company.  But I am not actively seeking, either.  I am glad I got hired because I was down to the point of applying at McDonald's.  And even the fried chicken place did not call me back.  Think about how that made me feel!  😂  I did ask God to close all doors but the right one.  

And really, to be called without an interview, just my online application, resume, cover letter, assessments, and told I have a job if I want it in my availability, at a pretty good rate of pay ($11 an hour), not bad.  I feel it was a God thing to be given favor like that.  

So I got home about 2 hours after I left last night, because traffic was heavy and I didn't make a connection.  But I did get home before the rain, I was able to sit at 2 bus stops, I felt comfortable, so not too bad.  

The cats were happy to see me but not distraught.  Biscuit was a little annoyed he had eaten all his food but he did not seem distressed (I worry about him with the bladder thing and it has been a lot of stress for every creature in my house this year).  I brush Baby Girl every day and am getting a little petting routine down with Spotty.  Cleo and Torbie sleep with me, it's very nice.  I am glad they are all handling things OK.  It has been a lot of change for all of us this year.  

But I am using the same food, same litter, litter boxes in same place.  Ron died and I cleaned out Ron's room (looking back I probably should have waited a while on that, for the cats).  Same Heather.  Same treats.  More love than ever from me.  

I was so tired last night but I finally got to sleep, slept great, woke up at 3 AM with a POUNDING migraine.  I took some Excedrin and went back to sleep.  I can only sleep after Excedrin with a migraine, that's how I knew it was legit.  I had to laugh at it happening on my day off as that's what happened with the vending business, almost always my day off.  I took some more at 7, got up, did my God Time, took a shower, started feeling better around 10.  Then I paid the water bill and sent the email to my aunt.  All my other bills are paid so nothing to worry about.  

My aunt felt terrible she was poking around Ron's cell account (she has my permission to get into all the business) and the company sent Ron's phone a text.  She called very upset and afraid it would upset me.  I had the phone off so I didn't care.  So I helped her it got a couple more texts from the cell company and I was giving her the codes.  I am fine doing this.  

My cell company you are one day late and they shut off your phone.  Ron's they added a fee to his bill and have racked up $90 in charges in the last 2 months.  I would have sworn they would just cut it off but [company] has had Ron for 20 years and I guess they weren't going to let him go easy.  I am sure she will get it fixed.  

I was looking around at his call history and we had a lot of calls back and forth to each other, but not many else.  I did find that comforting.  

Happily sales tax did go through on the commercial account, so we can close it out after the last payment to the blind vendors.  My name's on the account so I can do that.  It's not a ton of money but will cover expenses for a month or so.  

Now I am good on checking my mail for another week or so.  Bills paid.  Headache pretty much gone, praise God.  

I have laundry in the dryer I did a week's worth this morning.  I already hung up some of it.  I got a couple really nice pairs of pants at the thrift shop about a month ago.  One was a pair of Catherine's slacks in 24WP (really hard to find at a thrift shop), they are nice for work.  They can dress up or down, they are the 5 pocket style but not denim.  

At work I can wear any kind of slack/pant within reason (no rips, not skin tight, no leggings).  I have a couple pair of comfy jeans already so I don't need to buy new clothes.  And I can wear any kind of solid color top and I have a lot of those.  So I don't have to buy new clothes.  I had plain black sneakers and those have proven fine to wear.  I have 2 pair so I can rotate them.  

And, the advantage of riding the bus I am walking over a mile every day I work, now.  That can only help my health.  

That's it for now.  

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