Monday, May 31, 2021

I made it through my work week

 My work week is a little challenging, Thursday and Friday nights, then turn around come right back to work Saturday and Sunday days.  It is not too hard to get to work that takes about an hour and a half but takes two hours to get home on the weekend (I take Larry home Thursday and Friday nights).  I can do this because I have no one at home but I have thought, more than once, it would be impossible for me to care for Ron and do this.  

The store manager told me he had been asking about me because I looked "so familiar" and was told about me and Ron, then remembered how we used to come in and use the kiddie cart, I would take him all over the store, he would have his little boom box playing.  "Good times" I responded.  He agreed.  He was very nice.  

It is good to feel like I have favor with supervisors, management.  That is all I am going to say about work today as I am tired, and done with work for days.  

I have been thinking some with my new schedule how I want to plan my days.  And I decided I need to take one day off a week and do literally nothing.  So that's what I'm doing.  I mean, I will pay the homeowner's insurance, and I put some more toilet paper in the bathroom, but that's it.  I plan to do actual housework on Wednesday.  Run errands with my aunt tomorrow.  

The cats are good.  Biscuit in particular was very anxious the first week or two of work.  I was gone for so long he wondered if I was coming back.  But he knows know I may leave, I may be gone 12 hours, but I am coming back.  So he's OK now.  

Another thing I will be doing today: getting some compression socks.  I think those will help a lot as I am on my feet pretty constantly.  Tomorrow I will be getting some quality shoes - I don't care about brand but I need something rugged and supportive.  Academy has had some good work shoes so I will probably go with them.  I mean, I am on my feet 12 hours a day, 4 days a week.  I need some help.  I am fine spending money on footwear.   Ron always used to worry about my feet "Get off your feet" he would tell me when I worked in the deli.  He also worried if my shoes were soft enough, etc.  So I know he would want me to take care of myself.  

And yes, I know, being overweight does not help my feet.  But my jeans are getting looser one pair I had to get a belt.  After I get paid (next time) I will get another pair of jeans.  I have to wear long jeans/pants to work (no leggings) and I don't have a whole lot of them.  I need to have a fashion show, maybe Wednesday, try on what I have and see if it works.  But new jeans are only like $25 from and I am a plus member with free shipping.  

I am going to go order those socks.  

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