Friday, September 25, 2020

Thursday and Friday

 Yesterday was a longer day, I had to run to the bank, to the warehouse, go to work and stock.  

I had to listen to a delusional and poorly educated left-winger raving about politics.  His companions kept pointing me out to him and he said I "didn't matter".  He is lucky I did not make a video the way he was talking about white people he would have been disciplined.  In addition to "not mattering" I was 'business" and "business is out to get you".  

Funny.  I thought it was my job to get you a nice fresh honeybun and a can of Coke on your break.  Boy they would scream if we left the building.  I did have a couple of people shouting at me but I explained as simply as possible: 

1.  It is a $50 round trip every time I go to work.  

2.  I made $300 last week.  After paying for my rides I had very limited funds for inventory so I am ONLY buying the MOST popular selections.  

Sorry, you will have to live without your Baked Cheetos.  So I did what I could, took out what money we did make (less than $300 this time) and noted the "asset number" of the broken soda machine for Dr Pepper.  

They (Dr Pepper) have been abysmal about getting me the inventory I need but they have been good about repairing machines for free (part of our contract).  So we will hopefully see the guy Monday.  

Ron has asked, and I am taking him into work.  He can stock the bottled vendor and run change.  I came home but I was pretty beat.  

It is hard adjusting my sleep schedule to the medication routine.  I went to bed early after I fed Ron.  

I woke up at 3.  I stayed busy, got a Walmart delivery, but some things were missing.  I gave Ron his pills on time (I am diligent about that).  I took my pills, also diligent about that.  

It was a pretty quiet day until I got the text from my cell phone provider reminding me they would be doing the auto pay tomorrow.  And for the first time since I GOT a cell phone I didn't have enough money in the account.  

Crap.  So I had to go to Walmart, I was able to pick up the stuff we missed on the order or plain forgot to order.  It was busier than I liked but I was able to do my banking.  

I got a roast chicken for Ron - he had said he would eat it and he is.  I love the roast chicken, I got the 2 pound bird and that is a lot of meat.  Ron can eat for days, I can finally stop worrying about him getting enough protein, etc.  

He also asked me to get some hamburger helper beef stroganoff.  Actually, I had to speak head injury.  He asked for "The dish, you know the one the lady in Canada put the recipe in the book and I called her to thank her".  I immediately knew it was stroganoff.  So I got a box and some hamburger, a frozen chub.  I like the frozen better, better food safety for the ride home AND I can cook it when I want with no deadline.  Ron is going to be busy with that chicken for a few days.  

I also got some fancy decaf teas, with my gift card.  That will keep me occupied for a while.  I came home.  

Ron was very sweet and cuddly today.  It was very endearing.  He just thinks I am the best wife ever.  

I called in the repair request for Monday so we can go early.  That weirdo at work is on the afternoon shift so I can avoid him.  I need to keep Ron away from him, too, as Ron is liable to tell him off.  

I don't care if someone is a liberal.  I do care when someone says I am a POS for being a conservative, that I am out to use, abuse, and exploit people of other races.  Nothing could be farther from the truth as I caretake a black man!  Well, that's what it says on the birth certificate "Negro" although I don't see race when I look at Ron.  But is offensive at best.  

If I talked about black people, and liberals, the way this guy was going on I would be thrown out of, and banned, from the building.  But there is a double standard.  

I will only say I am not mailing my ballot.  Although I did mail the insurance renewal (flood insurance, at the bargain price of only $1648).  

I really try to keep clear of politics.  Although I do have one family member involved in politics.  

So I am good for food for a little bit, more if I have to hunker down.  Everything I am hearing says the virus, the election, is going to cause problems for everyone the next month or two so I want to stay home as much as I can, while still getting stocked up.  I could use more cat litter which I will get when I can, I have enough for a couple weeks though.  

Ron felt bad I had to ask him for money to pay the cell phone and was very glad I used "his" money to buy the groceries.  Normally I use mine.  

It should be a pretty quiet weekend.  Ron is doing well on the seizure drugs and blood pressure medication so I feel good about taking him out Monday.  Ideally I would keep him home but we cannot afford the rides to work.  

The only person who might have given me a ride (one way) to work got very pissy when I refused to make change for a $100 bill he had.  1.  I don't know if it's real.  2.  I can't get rid of it easily.  3.  I need small bills for my own transactions.  3.  You were at the bank getting the $100 you could have gotten some smaller bills instead.  4.  He never buys anything.  

He got very nasty about it but "God doesn't get change for a $50 (or anything larger)" direct quote from Ron.  Anyway that ride is out.  

But he's not a customer and it is not even in our contract to provide change.  I will do $20's all day long I like getting them but not larger bills and Ron, THE BOSS agrees.  

But there is work for Ron to do Monday, but not too much, and I think the other vendor needs to get "a look" (so to speak) at him and see he is still OK.  

That was it for today.  Thanks again for the tea!  

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