Friday, September 11, 2020

Early Friday

 Woke up at 2, bright and alert.  I said screw it and got up.  Talked to Ron a little, he was up but did not wake me.  I did some housecleaning, made a delivery order.  2 hours after the "make changes" window closed I remembered I needed toilet bowl cleaner.  Well, crap.  

I did my God Time.  

The menopause herbs have had some bonus effects.  Ron is quite happy with them; so am I.  But what is it with us every time we get naked I get a bladder infection?!  I gave him a bath right before!  So I ordered cranberry juice that should help.  I will also be getting some d-mannose and uva ursi.  

There is nothing more vile than the taste of uva ursi tea but it worked as a preventive for me.  Could be worse could have been Ron got sick.  

It is not full blown just irritation so I am dealing as best I can.. if it isn't better in a day or two I will see our primary and get some Bactrim.  I did order some vitamins and a nice bar of soap from Swanson.  

I just need to mop and do a few dishes and I am pretty done with housework for a while.  

Spotty's Dad came by, I saw him, still unaltered male, bears a striking resemblence to Spotty.  The unaltered + appearance + proximity makes me think he must be the father.  Generally tom cats don't have a long life but he seems to be king of the hill around here.  

I could barely buy my cranberry juice no way can I take care of another cat.  He is fed.  He just wants to sleep on the bed.  My cats objected and ran him off (except Spotty who really seems to love ol' Dad).  

I got the grocery delivery and they brought more than I seemingly ordered... I think they had stuff in stock that was marked "out" sent it anyway because I did order but I don't think I was charged?  I am not worried over a $2 bottle of cranberry juice.  

So I took care of Ron, cats, house - you wouldn't believe how much cat hair I swept up - I am planning to take a nap and then finish everything later.  I got a lot done and didn't feel taxed doing it.  Likely I am getting a little manic which is fine, I take medication for that so it won't go off the rails.  

I also ordered some more filters for the house.  

Someone online said "they" are doing a big "pray for the nation" thing at the end of the month, I always go to this passage in the Bible:  

Jeremiah 14:

10 Thus says the Lord to this people:
“Thus they have loved to wander;
They have not restrained their feet.
Therefore the Lord does not accept them;
He will remember their iniquity now,
And punish their sins.”
11 Then the Lord said to me, “Do not pray for this people, for their good. 12 When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and grain offering, I will not accept them. But I will consume them by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.”
I got this one during my Bible study this morning, rather striking: 
Isaiah 1:7 Your country is desolate, Your cities are burned with fire; Strangers devour your land in your presence; And it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Isaiah 9:19 Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts The land is burned up, And the people shall be as fuel for the fire; No man shall spare his brother.

Yes, there are some good people out there.  But have you heard of "Cuties"?  The show about little girls acting in a VERY sexual manner?  I am sorry but the image of a little girl lying on the floor lifting her butt up as though for intercourse was rather upsetting to me and that was a still image.  I can only imagine the video.  
"Scholars" are saying pedophiles are "normal".  We are saying sin is OK and it's not and God is sick of it.  He IS going to pour out His wrath, don't be surprised when it happens.  And don't whine about it either because this has been a VERY long time coming.  There is still time to get saved but you had better get speedy about it; ask Jesus to rule your life, repent of your sins (confess and turn from), seek God's will in everything (except maybe lunch!), read the Bible regularly, pray daily, try to honor Jesus by your actions.  
I fail, miserably, at all of that on a regular basis.  I try to take the wheel.  And I do a bad job of it, go off the road, and "let" Jesus drive again.  He is used to me but I need a lot of work before I am perfected.  I am the LAST person who is going to tell you how to live your life, but wrath is coming.  If you want to escape it is time to get saved.  
If you wait until after the rapture you are in for a miserable 7 years, if you make it that long.  You will still go to heaven though.  

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