Tuesday, September 29, 2020

So I took him to work

 I am not sleeping great at night Ron's pain has been keeping me up, so Monday morning I went back to bed "for a half hour" after I gave him his medication.  Ron woke me up over an hour later.  ACK!  

That was the fastest bed bath you ever saw in your life.  I got us ready just in time, and off to work.  He did well stocking and we went to the bank after, I got paid, he made a deposit.  

We had some long waits on paratransit but they got us home eventually.  I went to bed early...but Ron had overdone it at work, I think, and was up all night moaning, wouldn't take the Advil.  I really got upset when he asked me for a wine box at 2-3 in the morning.  

I shouted at him to drink his vodka and went back to sleep.  About an hour later he asked for the Advil.  Back to sleep for an hour and then had to get up and give him his seizure pill.  

Ron can't take it on his own, he would get mixed up.  So his doctor ordered me to be pill girl.  He didn't use that term.  😂  So I did that and BACK to bed even though my original plan had been, last night, to get up at 5 and get it all done before I went to Walmart very early.  

I did get up around 8 and I ended up leaving around 9:30.  I went to Walmart, did my deposit, shopped, and got everything on my list.  I forgot about the washer cleaner I remember looking at the laundry aisle and thinking I didn't need anything.  But the repairman said I could use a half cup of vinegar in a pinch.  He said that several times, in fact.  

I came home and Ron was just waking up (Good he got some sleep as sleep deprivation can cause seizures) 👀.  I got him a panino he really likes those little things.  They are not cheap but he loves the Italian salami wrapped around a piece of cheese.  And who am I to complain?  They do have a great amount of protein considering.  

I got myself some eggnog and will have that for dinner.  I got some of the bake mix for cornbread, a 5 pound bag, you add egg, milk, a little bit of fat and you have cornbread.  A five pound bag was only a few dollars.  I also got more milk and an 18 pack of eggs.  I tend to be leery of eggs since my food poisoning in 2004 but I do like them when I eat out.  My iron skillet has a good seasoning to it and I only scrub it with the plain metal scrubber, no soap ever.  Ron was happy to hear homemade cornbread and milk.  Yum.  

I'm not up for cooking today, I have to go to bed early but it will be nice to have.  The eggs and milk have a nice long sell by date.  I had to check but I do have my mixing bowls for baking.  Red of course.  

I have evolved a red and white theme for my kitchen but the cabinets are still the same particleboard.  They are fine, I've got no gripes.  But if someone came in and said they would give me $5K to redo the kitchen I would get new cabinets.  My aunt was horrified at a red theme, but pretty much anything that can be red, is.  My stockpot, the can opener, the mixing bowls, etc.  Cabinets are still medium brown, counter is also medium brown, and the walls are off white.  The fridge is white, and the microwave.  The dishwasher and stove are black.  So a little mismatched right now but certainly functional.   Ideally I would have it orange, red, and black; or red, white, and black.  

So anyway I am set up to do some cooking this weekend.  I think I'm going to sweep the house today and mop if I get ambitious.  Ron is asleep.  

I did have a problem with Cleo.  She was hanging out by the food bowls and growling at the other cats, who responded by hissing at her and Torbie smacked her at least once in my presence.  I realized Cleo is a little food aggressive, which is odd as she is huge, and moved the food bowls around so they are all over the front room (3 bowls).  She can't guard all of them.  I will do some research on food aggression in cats (at each other, never me) and see what else I can do.  

They are all damaged goods so it doesn't surprise me she's a little glitchy.  That's fine she's a good girl.  I love her.  

I mean, my right thigh is riddled with puncture marks from Biscuit jumping up in my lap.  He digs in his front claws and then pulls himself up.  If I don't object to that...😂.  And speak of my little angel here is Cleo.  Not so little.  I wonder how many people are feeding her.  

Funny note on my Dr Pepper order: Ron and I were at the bank and he told me I had better put in the order.  I took my phone out and it rang, it was our sales rep.  That was very funny timing and I told her so.  Oh, and it is a can shortage driving all my difficulty.  

Well, I'm doing my part, I recycle everything I can.  

That's it for now.  

Edit: did sweep and mop, did 2 loads of laundry as well.  So much for my day off! 

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