Friday, September 4, 2020

I'm going to keep a food log if it kills me

 I need to figure out how to put the supplements in there but I am DONE with these headaches.  I suspect this one came from me putting a Kratom in my pill organizer.  Needless to say I got rid of the Kratom.  

I had a truly awful night, and Ron's pill alarm went off right when I did fall asleep.  I got up and gave him his meds.  A couple hours later he asked for one of the frozen bacon cheeseburgers I bought from Walmart, those have been very tasty for him.  I heated it up, gave it to him with a bottle of Coke, and crawled back to bed.  

A couple hours later I am functional, still leaking tears but I can sit in front of the computer.  I was able to take some Excedrin which helped but I will just have to wait this out.  

NOT going to Walmart as I had planned, maybe there is a germ factory there walking around would have got me.  I have a pile of towels from Ron's bath yesterday I am not washing until I feel better.  I need to take a shower at some point.  All of that is on hold.  

Ron is OK, fed, medicated, we did the toilet thing at some God-awful hour.  Happily he did not need me to do any lifting.  I had already thrown up so I had an empty stomach when I emptied the commode bucket.  That's pretty much a once a day deal so I should be better the next time Toilet Time rolls around.  

My bank used to be open on weekends I will need to check, I don't think it is anymore.  Which makes me really glad I did pay the credit card already.  

They are not making that easy to find out.  

And Labor Day is Monday so it may be Tuesday before I get to the bank if I don't go today.  Really glad I made that credit card payment.  I am not up for a Walmart today, much less my bank.  

OK, up for a shower, did that, nice cold rinse.  I am doing that more as I tend to get dizzy if the water is very warm (it's a medication thing).  A nice cold rinse helped.  I actually wanted some cold water (one notable thing about a migraine I am never hungry or thirsty, and that is very unusual for me not to be thirsty) to drink, after.  

I turned the thermostat in the fridge and all the waters and my protein shakes froze.  So I had to adjust it back.  I still have several bottles of half frozen water which are very tasty.  

Spotty got in bed with me for a while, got some petting, he is so cute.  Out of all my cats everyone wants Spotty.  He is adorable, as sweet as he is cute.  But he loves his sister and it would kill them to split up, and I think I'm the only one patient enough to love Cleo.  

Ron was listening to country music and crying earlier, enough that Torbie and Baby Girl got into bed with him.  I am not getting affected by that, I am sorry he's crying but he needs to express his emotions and he has a lot to cry about.  

I think in both our families there was a big "shut up you don't have anything to cry about" theme.  I am working on overcoming that and being supportive.  I have not always been so.  I am working on that, I don't take it as a reflection on my care of him.  He is crying because he is an old, f*cked up cripple in a wheelchair with very few friends.  Business is terrible.  He can't work (not safe).  He has seizures now.  Etc.  So I think it is healthy even though I don't think it is pleasant.  

Just now he asked for some pain cream, which I applied to his right hand.  He has never had problems with the right hand.  But the poor man is riddled with arthritis.  If things were different I would have him on a strict keto diet, but take this morning.  He's hungry.  I just vomited my dinner into a bucket.  No way can I cook, but I could heat up a frozen hamburger for him.  

So I do my best, but I wish I could do more.  I think strict keto would be very helpful but the man loves his spaghettios.  And chicken strips.  Eating is one of the few things he has left, and he doesn't eat that much.  When I can, I try to have good options for him like the rotisserie chicken.  We have a ton of that in the freezer.  

I think I might be able to go to Walmart today, once I finish my laundry.  Oh, this cold water is so refreshing.  That is one thing I hope I can do; be grateful and appreciative of the small things in life.  I am feeling a lot better which is great.  

Last night was just truly terrible.  I'm still not hungry yet but I think I can get to my bank at least.  

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