Friday, September 11, 2020

Late Friday

 My love life is cursed...with bladder infections.  I do everything right, clean Ron up, have a good time, do everything right AFTER and get the damned infection.  It makes me angry.  

NOT Ron's fault. If it was, washing him directly (I mean I had the bucket and rag right there in bed before we got frisky (I know TMI)] would clear it up.  It didn't.  I just have bad anatomy.  

I will confess I think I have a wide urethra.  Anyway it makes loving difficult.  BUT this is not my first time I know what to do, plenty of plain water, diet cranberry juice, etc.  

Years ago I had a really cool primary doctor.  I explained I had to take the whole day off to get there, spend $30 on a cab just to the office, and take the bus to the Walmart after, pay another cab to go home.  It was time consuming.  We discussed it and he said well you have a history, you know the symptoms and what to do, I am going to write you a refill on the antibiotic.  

They NEVER do this.  But he did, and it's a good thing.  I was lying in bed trying to sleep and decided I did not want to run around next week lining up a doctor visit for me and then the pharmacy run.  I got out the refill and did some research - will it interact?  It won't.  It does make me pee green I forgot about that.  (laugh) I took the first tablet.  Then I lined up my pills of the week and got that laid out.  And cracked open another half gallon of cranberry juice.  

So that's taken care of.  I should be pretty perky in a day or two.  Bactrim has always been a great tool for me - so's Macrobid.  Ron of course is allergic so I will be giving him his medication before I take mine, then washing my hands after.  He has REALLY bad time with Bactrim.  

It's not quite if I wanted to kill him deal but he would be miserable... 

And his nephew - something is up there.  I suspect Ron's sister died.  We will see.  

And someone is irate at me... because I said I enjoy Ron.  That way.  God knows probably some fuming readers including my snitch.  Tell that to the social worker she is liable to give me a big atta girl.  

Anyway there is this perception with sex.  That the man has to be the stud, carry her up the stairs, throw her over his shoulder, do her a certain way.  I read a very good book that explained that is just media, you can do WHATEVER you want in bed with your loved one.  It may look different than the movie but if you both are happy at the end of it that is enough.  And sometimes it is enough to bring someone ..well.  It doesn't have to be the stud.  There are other options.  

But I saw a movie, she was married to an older man.  He had a stroke and couldn't be the stud any more.  She kept whining about it and cheated on him.  He ended up killing himself.  I remember shouting at her all the various body parts he had, that worked, that could give them BOTH a REALLY good time.  I was actually shouting at the TV (Ron was in the hospital) and the nurse came in and shushed me as Ron quivered with laughter.  And,sure enough, a day or so later they caught us.  Ron was so calm about it "Aren't you married?  You understand".  

But I think a lot of women, especially my generation, have that thinking, it is either all or nothing.  It doesn't have to be that way you can have a REALLY good time if you are willing to take some chances.  I am not talking about bringing in another man... but blogger has rules and I think that's as far as I can go.  Have a real, frank talk, about what you like and what you would like done and how you can make it happen.  You may have to buy something online but I assure you, it is there.  

And I had a good enough time out of it to get a bladder infection.  Ron feels bad about that but glad he could carry me up the stairs, so to speak.  

I just talked to my nephew his wife died.  That is so sad they have children.  He doesn't want to talk about it and I didn't push him.  I should know, bad enough you have a disaster without someone pointing fingers.  I can't do anything for him but I will pray.  

I had been praying for him anyway, I pray for all Ron's family even the nasty ones because Jesus commands it.  That is good enough for me, but it was nice to truthfully tell him I have been praying for you guys every day.  I would never lie about that.  

I do pray for you as well, if you wondered.  

If I hadn't been praying, daily, I would just have said "I have been praying for you guys".  It must have been an accident how awful.  Maybe a stroke or heart attack.  He seemed so stricken.  And he is young, younger than me I think.  

What a day. 

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