Sunday, September 27, 2020

Saturday and Sunday

  Yesterday was pretty quiet.  I did some housework and my God Time.  

Ron had said someone might be coming by.  He didn't.  Ron worked on the rotisserie chicken all day and I had grilled cheese for dinner.  

When I called my parents Dad had a trip and fall accident, gashed his leg pretty bad (didn't bleed much though, he said), didn't break anything, went to urgent care and got about 20 stitches.  He said the wound is looking good.  That's good because he's almost 80.  That could have had a very bad ending.  

Dad and Mom are still mobile and get around just fine for their age.  They are both in much better shape than Ron.  Dad had the physician's assistant who worked on him take a photo of the wound after she sewed it up.  Happily he did not send me that image, but one of the bandaged leg.  

So other than that they are fine, doing a little road trip next week.  I did encourage Dad to eat a lot of protein to help him heal up.  He liked that prescription! 

She had just made a meatloaf and he was very excited about it.  Bible says I have to be respectful of my parents so I will just say I never got excited about the meatloaf.  I still don't eat it.  If I have ground beef (between us) I am going to make a hamburger patty, some hamburger helper, etc.  

Oh, and Ron hates the toilet bowl cleaner with bleach.  Direct quote "Why do you have to clean the toilet?"  I had to explain I would get in trouble if I didn't.  I mean, I'm cleaning it anyway but that's a reason he could accept.  I did agree to get rid of the "with bleach" cleaner.  He didn't mind the Ecos cleaner so I will just use that.  

I am getting ready to take a nap and then I will clean the floors later.  I made the trips for tomorrow Ron can check them if he wants.  

I took my nap, I paid my credit card (a little over minimum payment).  I have a decent credit score according to the website.  I needed a pair of knitting needles if I am going to work on my scarf project.  It will be garter stitch in this: 

It should keep me busy for a while.  I did it with a smaller needle I had and didn't like it, so I needed the 10.5 needles.  I got them and had a little cash left.  I pulled out what I had done and wound it around the ball.  

I am a "tight" needleworker so I need a bigger size needle if I want a soft and pliable fabric, and I did not have that!  And the $10 I spent will give me many happy hours.  

That, unfortunately, was a casualty of my clean out I did get rid of a lot of knitting stuff.  So I am out $10.  I am still glad I did it.  

And I paid the credit card so no worries for another month.  I can always pay more later on if things work out.  

Ron got his BBQ plate and ate about half the meat, in addition to the roast chicken he had this morning, so protein goal = score.  I am really happy about that.  I think many of the health problems seniors experience can be related to low protein.  And I don't have to worry about meals for him for a few more days.  

I like ready-to-go meals for him lots of meat and some healthy sides.  It is hard enough feeding him I would rather have the food already to go and minimal cleanup.  

So YES I will absolutely accept a ready made meal for him.  I am getting more gracious about accepting help.  And I have good things for me like yogurt and carrot juice.  

I made a mistake last week doing up my pills, I didn't do the allergy pill.  So now my allergies are raging.  They were bad enough today, even restarting the Zyrtec, that I used the steroid nasal spray.  I am not crazy about using it during a pandemic as it reduces immunity but I can't go around hacking all day at work and the bank tomorrow.  

Speaking of pills I need to go take mine so I may stop by later.  

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