Saturday, September 19, 2020

Friday and Saturday

 Ron needed help a couple times Thursday night so I didn't get much sleep.  I got up at 5 when I gave him his snack/medication because I had to get ready for the doctor.  I got Ron settled, took my shower, etc.  I hailed my Uber around 7, it wasn't much at all to go to the doctor.  

I got to the doctor's office about an hour early, which is what I had hoped.  They weighed me, took my blood pressure 130/90 NOT happy about that and will be tapering off soda/caffeine.  That is about 25 points higher than I would like.  I am going to watch that.  

So I went in and the nurse practitioner caught me drinking some diet Dew.  I got the soda lecture.  She said the sample didn't show infection and I confessed I had been taking 10 year old Bactrim ("Oh no" she replied) and I still had a horrible BURNING.  She said she would send it off to culture.  

I asked about post coital antibiotic and she said "I don't do that".  Well, crap.  There goes that plan.  I mentioned Macrobid worked for me so she wrote it for that.  It is nice to have something known with no surprises, and it only cost about $30 at the pharmacy.  She also wrote for some Pyridium which I will ALWAYS take.  That's the stuff that colors your urine and numbs the urethra.  

I left and got a Uber in a few minutes.  Both my drivers got a Bible Promise book in addition to my standard $5 tip, both acted happy to get the book.  I figure God may have let me get sick so these guys could get reached so I had better do some reaching.  

I went to Walmart and checked the prescription was in, the pharmacist actually checked for me.  He is a very nice man and very calm.  I did some shopping and got the text it was ready right as I had come back anyway.  The pharmacist wanted to talk to me.  He knew Macrobid+ Pyridium he probably fills a dozen a day... he was very sympathetic and said he hoped I felt better soon - really great for a Walmart, I thought.  And he meant it.  

I paid and decided to call Arturo.  I didn't buy any soda because I am cutting it out but I had a case of cup of noodles in the styrofoam cups, pretty bulky.  

I talked to my aunt, who, on her own, decided to gift me with Uber cash.  Awesome.  Transportation is always my weak spot so I appreciate it.  

I checked on Ron (emptied his urinals) fed him, took a short nap and woke up feeling COMPLETELY refreshed... I wish I woke up in the morning feeling like that.  It was great.  Then I could take care of house/Ron/God Time.  

And I have a hurricane coming for my birthday next week.  Good thing I aim to be ready at all times anyway.  I have water, cat food, canned food, manual can opener, pills - oh all the pills.  I did my pills last night.  

With my brain problems and I think due in part to medication, I have a horrible time taking prescriptions if they are NOT in my pills of the week organizer.  So I had to do up the antibiotic and pyridium in it in addition to my mood pills, etc.  That was a lot of pills.  It works great to do my pills at a separate time from Ron.  

He has a multivitamin in addition to his other pills.  By the way, he is reading the seizure book I ordered.  Good.  I really think that is important for him to be informed about his condition.  

But I got all mine done and ate my dinner.  I had some digestive complaints a few hours later, just lets you know the medicine is working.  I got most of my order from Swanson, some soap, toilet bowl cleaner, zinc lozenges, and vitamin C.  My throat felt a little weird so I did a lozenge and boy did it taste bad, but I was fine 20 minutes later.  I went to bed and slept pretty well.  

Woke up and fed Ron a snack (I asked him what he wanted I try not to dictate).  He wanted a sausage patty so we did that.  Good, healthy fats and protein.  

Gave him his pills.  I have my pills on the same schedule easier all around just remember "5 o'clock!".  So I ate a Luna Bar (lemon something) and took mine.  I had to take several gulps due to the amount of pills.  I am taking d-mannose 1.5 grams 3 times a day to help clear this.  That adds a lot of bulk to the pills.  

But I got them down with the snack so I am good until 5 PM.   Then Ron and I can take our pills again.  It is just simpler for me.  I DO have brain damage I need to work with that.  

I have found it is just better to admit I have problems than to try to fight it, fail, and not measure up to the "normal" standard.  And I am fine admitting that: I have brain damage.  It is OK to say that.  It is OK to accept help now and then.  

It is NOT OK to sit in a corner, wailing and feeling sorry for myself, refusing to do anything.  I see myself as a woman of action and I intend to keep that view.  

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