Thursday, September 3, 2020

So we had the EEG

 I gave him his bath last night and the shampoo today.  The tech did not complain about his hair so the shampoo did the job.  He did not like either, though, and complained bitterly while I groomed him.  

I believe it is going to storm today, both Ron and I had pain issues - a migraine for me, knee pain for him.  I got him ready in time and off to the hospital.  We arrived about half an hour before they requested, that was fine.  They had a very comfortable arm chair so I helped Ron sit in it vs. his wheelchair.  

The tech was very nice.  She marked his head all over then put the leads.  The procedure was pretty uneventful but I am fairly sure he had an "absence" seizure during.  He stopped talking suddenly and began snoring, she leaned forward into her screen, a minute or two later he was back to normal.  

After I wanted a snack so we found the cafeteria.  They had groceries for sale in the cafeteria, including toilet paper.  I didn't check the prices.  Lunch for the two of us was almost $20.  Ouch.  Good thing he only wanted a sandwich.  

They had "like" 3 chicken entrees but he wanted fried chicken which of course they are not selling in a hospital, it was baked everything.  He did get a chicken salad sandwich he liked.  I got the turkey half sandwich + fruit plate (all together in one little tray) and a piece of cake.  I am not sure what flavor it was, it reminded me of tres leches but it was very good and shouldn't be a migraine trigger.  We both got drinks, they didn't have diet so Ron got a real Coke, I got unsweet tea.  

After that we decided to go wait outside the ER.  The driveway at the hospital was disgusting and I don't think you want to hear the details.  It was not sanitary.  And they were old stains.  It was bad enough I left my shoes outside the house and will sterilize before I wear them again.  If they send me a survey I am going to roast them on that.  

Our driver got a little lost but it was a straight ride home.  Ron was having a hard time with his knee, my head was killing me, and of course the driver wanted to talk.  I put some pain relieving cream on his knee, which he said helped a little.  He asked me to wrap his knee with a towel.  I did so.  He asked for the heating pad.  I put it on and showed him how to control it.  He thanked me profusely.  

So now we wait I assume if they found anything "bad" they will tell us otherwise we just wait until November.  Doc is very competent and I feel good having Ron in his care.  It was handy he is affiliated with the hospital so he can easily get Ron's records.  

I just have no appetite and my head is killing me.  I wish it would rain already if that's what it wants to do.  

I got a check from my health insurance company.  I will take it, I need to pay the water bill and that is 2 months' worth right there.  The cats are good, Baby Girl was very happy to see Ron again.  

I took 3 doses of excedrin total so I hope I can sleep tonight.  That's not counting the caffeine I did which was, for me, a lot.  But I had to be semi functional.  And I got Ron cleaned up, dressed, to the hospital, tested, and home again.  And properly medicated.  I feel good about that.  

I sure hope I feel better tomorrow.  

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