Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I didn't sleep well Tuesday night

 Bladder, Ron was shouting in pain occasionally.  

Now I know nice Christians, among others, read this but let me say that is MESSED UP every time I want to get close to my husband I end up suffering with a bladder infection.  And I do EVERYTHING to make sure it is a good, safe, encounter.  

So, what, do we "turn it off"?  That doesn't seem fair to either of us.  A part of me wonders if it just Ron, from what I read that can happen sometimes, a partner is just no good for bladder infections, although Ron swore he never got anyone else one and they would have told him.  So I have to go to maybe it is just bad anatomy for me?  But no fair I want to experience married life like everyone else, WITHOUT PAIN.  But that is apparently too much to ask.  

NOT FAIR.  OK, I am done bitching about that.  

Not much I could do about Ron screaming.  We still have some Tramadol but it raises the risk of a seizure and I would be gone all morning.  I did order him a vibrating back massager wand yesterday.  

Here's a tip, don't type "Vibrating massage wand" into Amazon unless you want to see a lot of d*ldos.  I mean, thousands of them.  And nothing for Ron's back.  I can't exactly ask him to hold THAT, now, can I?  

But I did find something viable for $20, one day delivery so it comes today, is on the truck right now.  That has helped Ron a lot in the past but he had a hard time finding a "good" one.    It can't hurt.  

Work was about as expected...sales very sluggish, half the sinks broken so limited hand washing (I kept going back to the good sink), Dr Pepper brought me 3 flavors of soda out of all I ordered...very discouraging.  I did however have enough money to get paid, some for inventory, and a little for Ron.  

Jack brought us some BBQ plates last weekend and Ron loved it, so I asked him to bring another one this weekend (we will pay for it).  He was happy to help and I let him know it's a big help for ME because I don't have to cook.  

He has been a huge help to us.  I pay him for rides, what Uber would charge for the same trip + a tip.  He is happy to do it even at 5 this morning - he gets up early and he wasn't kidding about that.  

The only problem I have had, really, Biscuit likes to run out in the driveway when he pulls up, 2x now he has almost gotten squashed!  

I finished up at work and called Jack, we went through the drive through on the way home and got breakfast sandwiches for me and Ron (Jack wasn't hungry).  I came home, ate mine, took some more medication (I am taking a thousand pills right now), and took a nap.  

I got up a little while ago, Ron is in good spirits eating his sandwich.  He is excited to get his massage wand.  I will be doing my God Time in a little bit as I didn't do it this morning. 

I will be glad to get better, it's been a rough little bit lately, but at least, like when I always get sick, my mood is good.  My mood always levels out when I get sick.   

And my cycle is late.  I wonder if it will show up at all this month?  I skipped some time back this summer and didn't miss it one bit.  

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