Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Monday and some of Tuesday

 It looks like I didn't do a post for yesterday, sorry about that.  I have had bad headaches the last couple days, including today.  

Yesterday was pretty uneventful except for a couple of things: I got the sheets, which were MUCH nicer than expected (6 for $40 I didn't have high hopes).  Here is a link:  https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PGVXDWR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Anyway they have tons of elastic, deep pockets, very soft and luxurious feeling, almost dry when I took out of washer and fast dry (important sometimes), so far very impressed.  

And I got my astragalus (herbal roots for immunity).  I made a tincture with some and made a decoction (boil herb in water for half an hour) with the licorice root as well.  I plan to drink a little of the tea every day for the next few days as I AM coming off a course of antibiotics.  

The doctor called and said I do not have a bladder infection.  I believe I have interstitial cystitis.   Bladder pain and irritation with no infection.  But the good news I can eliminate it by avoiding acidic food/drink, cutting out the soda, cutting out aspartame, etc.  It won't be a fun process but I think I will really benefit.  And I am tired of bladder troubles.  

So I will try that.  Diet soda is not worth losing my sex life over.  It's just not.  I am disabled enough already I don't need more problems, especially one I can likely fix.  

I got another nice card in the mail, and some gift cards which are very appreciated.  

I went to bed early.  

I woke up and had another headache.  It's my birthday.  Not quite how I planned to spend it.  I took something.  

I had given Ron the "panino" snack it is fancy italian salami wrapped around mozzarella cheese.  He loved it when I gave it to him with his pills this morning.  I will have to get more.  

I was up anyway so not a problem when he asked for a bigger meal at 6:30 in the morning.  I gave him the choices and he wanted the enchiladas.  These were made by the "Bueno" food company and Ron was a huge fan.  He gobbled them up (I cut them and then he ate them with his fingers).  

I had a pretty uneventful morning, my aunt sent me a nice text message, I did my God Time, etc.  I took a nap around 11:30.  Cleo got into bed with me, walked around on me, purring, wanted lots of petting, etc.  She feels very safe when I am laying down.  She won't get in my lap if I am sitting anywhere but she will walk around on my chest if I'm in bed.  Paws... pressing on all my vital organs, and she is a heavy girl!  But I didn't mind.  Eventually she lay down at the foot of the bed and I fell asleep.  Headache came back (curses!).  I took something for it.  

It is gone now.  I ordered some food delivered.  We both ate.  

Ron had a rough morning for pain but is OK with Voltaren and Lidocaine cream.  He is OK right now.   

I am going to check the mail in a little bit. 

Ron got himself on the toilet chair and I changed the sheets.  I like to do that every day or two.  I am just glad he is independent in the toilet so I feel OK about leaving him when I go to work.  But he always appreciates a hand if I am home and we have discussions on the turd, size, consistency, etc.  {laugh}  Stuff you never think about when you fall in love but no one else I'd rather help.  

And I got to put the new sheet on his bed and he says it is nice.  

I do spray down the rubber sheet with cleaner every time I change the fitted sheet, it just seems prudent.  I use the unscented stuff so it doesn't bother Ron.  I haven't exactly found a manual on this sort of thing.  

A family member who raised children told me about the layer the rubber sheet, fitted sheet, trick on the bed so I can just pull of the bad part for cleaning later.  

I cut up 3 pounds of sharp/extra sharp cheddar yesterday, froze half.  Cut up cheese cubes are great for snacking.  I plan to give Ron some with his pills in a little bit.  

 Done.  And I took my last antibiotic.  

Not a bad birthday.  I will open my present from my parents when they call.  I did open the card, she likes to make cards out of cat photos and this one was Baby Girl.  

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