Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday morning

 So it was the usual thing on Saturday.  I called, voicemail.  I didn't leave a message, lost my temper (for me) and said screw it and turned off the phone.  They know when I'm going to call because they told me to call then.  If they don't want to talk, fine, but I am sick of the "Hey, I'm so busy I can't be bothered today" text or whatever.  So I went to bed early.  

I slept OK until about midnight when #19 started the party.  Ron was hungry anyway, and his knee was bothering him.  The left knee was dragged about 2 blocks on the pavement and has a commensurate road rash scar on the inside part of the knee,about the size of a knee cap.  So, obviously damaged.  

A DO (Osteopath Doctor) said his knees were "very crunchy (with arthritis) and we will have to deal with that".  I haven't had much luck with DO's for Ron and just have a conventional doctor for him now.  It is a shame because I am all for alternative medicine.  

Anyway, I did his knee, the Voltaren is working.  Good.  I will get more.  I don't like to spend more than $10 on an unknown but the Walmart size was a good start.  It's enough for me to see it helps.  So I can buy the bigger tube on Amazon.  

Nice to find something that works, doesn't reek, etc.  It is also a lot safer for him.  

And he was hungry, so I made him some enchiladas.  He could eat them once I cut them up and gave him something to wipe his hands.  He never uses silverware it is too hard.  I don't care, I am just happy he can feed himself.  I cut it into bites and he did the rest.  He liked it (El Monterey Chicken Enchiladas).  The party was still going so he called the police.  

I am all for having a good time but the house next door to #19 has a PROFOUNDLY disabled little boy, they are keeping him up with their party.  No way anyone can sleep through that.  Not only that Ron - sleep deprivation = seizures according to one of his doctors.  So I don't need that.  So you're hurting 2 people (not counting me!) with disabilities because you want to get drunk and be obnoxious all night.  They did get a lot better with the parties when one of the couples had a baby - they got that baby, and all the neighbors, needs to sleep at night.  But now and then they go off track.  

One thing you can say about my neighborhood, at least over here, it is quiet.  Everyone values that and makes it happen.  Except them.  But I think there is always that one neighbor.  

For instance, all these nice brick houses on my street, my little clapboard house, and it's orange.  Although Pete says he is coming to paint it next month.  We'll see.  Maybe I can get him to help with the garbage disposal, that would save me hundreds right there.  If the house is painted I plan to go gray.  There is at least one gray house on the street, HOA said gray and brown are the preferred colors, etc.  It will still be the cute little house, just gray.  I will have to change all my delivery notes, though.  

That will be nice if I can get BOTH done.  We will see, I am hopeful.  He did do a great job fixing the bathroom and the siding.  I think he will be impressed at the improvements.  He did opt out of the drywall repair!  Which was a multi thousand dollar job as it turns out.  Which was done great by wonderful Carlos who I will love forever.  

But it will be nice to have a handy man around and Ron won't feel emasculated because Pete is very humble.  It is hard for Ron to watch people work on the house but he understands.  

He was just now asking me to read him a Bible verse and I gave him his braille Bible.  Actually an entire braille Bible takes up a bookcase.  So I gave him Titus-Revelation.  We are missing between 1 Corinthians and Titus but I have the rest of it in braille for the New Testament.  He liked the NKJV so I got him that.  It was donated - they get donations at the Bible place and then send them out to blind people on request.  Or they did.  The only place I found recently you buy the Bible and a New Testament runs about $200.  /They make a big deal about "free shipping" but ALL material for the blind, ships free.  But he is reading away in the back room.  The books I need to replace are about $40 I will probably do that this pay period.  

Good, I think it is important to read the Bible for yourself.  Which I need to do.  

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