Friday, July 1, 2016

At least he put his pants on

So, what did I do? 

I got some money out of savings because I don't know where Ron's keeping the money to pay Dr Pepper.  IT may have been in his pant pocket and gotten peed on anyway. 

I picked up his cell phone and put it on the counter.  Our handyman can help him find it when he arrives. 

I cancelled Ron's paratransit trip because he's still drunk and therefore not allowed to ride anyway, assuming I could get him cleaned up.  I'd rather go to work myself than bring in a filthy, drunk, obnoxious vendor. 

Then I called myself a cab so I can get to work.  I have the money to pay him.

I locked up the cats in the bedroom so the handyman won't let them out.  That means I can get home OK. 

I sure don't want to lose a baby coming in the house.  I loaned my garage door remote to the handyman so he could get in today "while we were gone" - supposed to be.  Ron's going to be quite the surprise, there. 

At least he put his pants on. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I truly hope today is a break for you, sometimes even work can be a haven ..hope you treat yourself to a nice lunch out as well. Ron needs intervention bad, but i get why you let it be his choice . good for you taking charge of the day!