Monday, May 19, 2014

The sound of chainsaws

I'm feeling better about my whole weekend thing.  I figured out the fish oil is causing the migraines.  Ironic because it's supposed to *help*. 

I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night, then I woke up with horrid abdominal pains and worse.  Ugh.  Not a good night. 

Anyway, we got to work at 4AM.  Stocked, did our thing.  We cannot be faulted on anything, the machines are working and stocked.  Customers are walking away happy.  Refunds paid promptly. 

I know a lot of other vendors are sharpening knives to stick in our back, coveting our location.  I'm one of those "Better under pressure" types anyway.  In this case, I believe it pays to be paranoid and vigilant about making the customers happy. 

Why, you may ask?  Well, you may or may not know the other vendor has essentially lost half his business.  Mr "I have all the machines" has been reduced to second place. 

They were aghast when they saw our soda delivery today.  We're going through an entire pallet of cans every two weeks.  I helped the guys unload the pallet and made sure they each got a lunch. 

It used to be the other way around: they had the big delivery, we had the small one. 

We have 10 vending machines (they belong to the state, we only own the inventory).  3 snack machines (my children), 3 soda canned soda vendors (Ron's babies), one bottled soda vendor ("The Beast), two cold food vendors, a couple of bill changers, and a coffee machine. 

We have been waiting on the plant to plumb the coffee machine. It has to be done by the plant.  They have been *sluggish*.  Well, it's a federal thing.  We're OK with that but coffee drinkers can scare me sometimes. 

3 vendors downtown are unemployed next year.  At least 3 more vendors graduate from training this year and want a tasty location.  The other vendor is losing all his business to our location. 


The other vendor isn't exactly stable.  So, Ron and I developed a policy: I am never alone with him.  Never.  That way I always have a witness.  Guess what?  He stopped hassling me.  It is a pain in the butt getting Ron everytime I need some merchandise but worth it. 

Today, he approached Ron.  "Hey buddy, I got a deal for you."  I rolled my eyes.  "I know that tone of voice" Ron told me later "And it always proceeds the screwing". 

"Hell no!" Ron replied.  "There, you don't have to tell me." 

No, the guy told us, it was a good deal.  Ron heard him out, skeptical.  The other guy wants to put his coffee machine in OUR area, and give us, get this - ten percent of the profits! 

Why would we give up 100% of the profits, for 10%?  Not to mention they don't take care of the machines.  We'd have dozens of enraged customers yelling at us, and we'll get stuck paying all the refunds.  Out of our 10%. 

Not only that, it gives him a leg into our business.  Right now he is forbidden to sell anything in our area.  If we let him to this we could potentially lose the whole place to him. 

The guy's pretty desperate.  They are used to quite the standard of living, which they've lost.  It doesn't look good on getting it back.  I have looked at the blueprints again and again, and I don't see his breakrooms coming back.  He may end up with 6 machines at the butt end of the building, only.  We'll have to wait and see. 

I don't wish anything bad on him, but I'm not sorry for him either.  They have stabbed us in the back again and again. 

In fact, the whole proposition reminded me of this: 

"You're such a backstabber, and everybody knows it!" 

I wasn't mad at him for trying to get a foot in our door and ruin our business.  I was more insulted that he thought we were dumb enough to buy it.   100% is always better than 10%, stupid.

He had already told me a while back they would not help us stock the coffee machine, so we went another route instead.  If he had helped us, he would have saved money on his wholesale orders (they have a minimum case count and order total - which must be met on every order). 

"You're going to take care of the coffee machine?" he asked us.  What did he think we've been doing for the last 13 years? 

"Yes" I replied.  "It's all ready to go."  He was shocked.  I guess he had really hoped to blackmail us into "letting him in".  Now he can't. 


I could tell he was pretty agitated after that, so we avoided him.  We didn't even put up the soda delivery until his wife and employees were present, along with 2 guys from Dr Pepper. 

I put up the first 34 case, with help.  They were very nice, and the one guy was very impressed I could speak a little Yoruba. 

I know enough to say please and thank you. 

The other vendor's wife got all up in their "grill" asking about her order.  The deliveryman told her "This is only half of [our company name].  We have to get the other half and then we'll get back to you."  Pretty funny.  She has always demanded "first" service. 

Priceless, to see her gaping.  Oh, I sound like such a bitch. 

I didn't ask them to do me first, but Ron answered his phone - she went to voicemail. 

The rest of the delivery arrived, I put it up with everyone watching.  I'm glad I keep my back brace in the back of Ron's wheelchair.  I took it off afterward and helped Ron stocking. 

Everything looked really good, and I had to laugh when I saw guys working on the water line.  The other vendor only "had" one thing on us, the coffee machine wasn't working.  Now that's fixed, this week. 

He can keep his 10%.  God, it's so insulting they thought we were so stupid.  He already tried to demand this from our supervisor.  The supervisor told him no. 

We finally went home. 

I took a short nap and woke up to the sound of chainsaws.  The tree guys had arrived.  They made short work of the tree (trimming) and red-tips.  The tree looks great, it has a nice canopy, but it doesn't hang down and impede anything, either. 

Well worth it. 

I told Ron "It's funny, we get a little money and we buy pizza one night.  Then we get the tree trimmed."  Pretty wild living. 

After that, we went to Walmart.  My pills were ready.  I paid for them and got some groceries and work things.  The work things are by the door and ready to go.

They love my puddings. 

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