Monday, May 5, 2014

13 hour day

I don't usually sleep well before a delivery day.  I have to go to bed at 6 PM, hoping I can sleep.  Then I get up at 2 AM. 

I fell asleep pretty fast, that's the nice thing about all the recent physical labor.  Torbie slept with me, a mixed blessing. 

She's a lovely cuddler, and "sleeping with my cat" is on my favorite list of things ever.  I just wish she'd sleep to my side, or near my shoulder.  Instead she likes to sleep in my lap, when I'm lying on my back, and my legs when I'm on my side.  It makes it kind of hard to roll over.  I wake up everytime I need to change position. 

Throw her out of bed?  Never.  I just pray she figures it out like my boys did - it's a lot easier to sleep by Mom's shoulder. 

I took my shower, did my God Time, ate, and took my meds.  The rides were great today. 

Our first driver was right on time and very quiet.  I would loathe it if my neighbor had an early morning pickup, 2-3 hours before the kids and I awoke, with a loud radio blasting, honking, etc.  She is very considerate.  You could only see the blinkers (nothing I can do about that). 

We should call in a compliment.  She got us to work. 

The Postal Police have moved into the building.  How do I know?  Two of them showed up for the Metrolift Unloading Ron Circus, with him riding the lift and all. 

"What are you doing here?" a stern looking fellow queried. 
"We work here". 
"You.  Work.  Here."  I nodded.  "How do you get in the building?" 
I use my badge like everyone else, I told him.  "Would you like to see it?"  He examined it carefully.  "I have gained some weight."  I stated the obvious. 
I brought Ron over and showed his badge, too. 
The other officer came over about this time.  "Don't give them a hard time, they're the vendors."
The first officer raised an eyebrow, looking at us. 
"Really." the other officer implored.  "They work 12 hour days."  I nodded. 
The first guy finally gave us our badges back and "let" us go to work. 

The interesting point, for me (and I have no problem with high security at work) - I didn't know the second officer - but he sure knew us and our work habits.  I guess we make bigger ripples than I thought. 

We did our stocking thing.  We were a little uncertain of the other vendors.  They were in a good mood and even suggested we raise candy bars a nickel.  I have been begging for this, for years.  At a future date, to be announced. 

The delivery guy showed up 2 hours early, and I got everything put up by 8 AM.  I need to have Ron call in a compliment on him, too. 

I even sang the "Happy" song at a postal worker who said a snack item "Made him happy".  I even clapped along like Pharrell Williams.  The customer had a good laugh as Ron covered his face in his hands. 

One of the machines was a little naughty but I think I got it going again.  Please, God. 

All in all, the machines looked good.  I cleaned the microwaves and even the (still dead) coffee machine.  One of the custodians came by and thanked me for helping them clean the microwaves.  I forget people are watching me. 

I saw part of a really lame movie the other day, at work.  "Everything is connected to everything else!" this guy said fervently.  Duh. 

There is nothing worse than a fake paranoid delusional actor.  They always overact, opening their eyes really wide.  Christopher Walken is pretty good at a bonafide crazy, but the rest are all just baaad. 

As a crazy person, it's a a little insulting. 

So, Ron tried to arrange and early pickup, which like every one I can recall, ended badly.  I begged him not to do it again and he shouted at me. 

I am pretty good at spotting head injury overload versus truly pissed.  He just needed some downtime.  I ignored him until he talked to me again. 

We went to the warehouse.  We're getting a ride, in a vehicle with a big trunk, tomorrow.  Yay.  We didn't need much as a result.  We got those items and went back to work, putting the drinks in the fridge, the crackers in Snack 1 (we name/number each machine), etc. 

I had wanted to get our pictures taken for our new badges, been meaning to do that, but it didn't work out.  We should be able to do that tomorrow.  I had done pretty much everything else. 

We had a pretty good ride home and then I took a nap for a couple hours. 

God willing, it will be a quiet night. 

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