Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A lot of fun to spoil

Well, I could start with the "Woe is me I'm depressed".  I could whine "So busy at work".  Moan "So tired".  I could do the "Faith overcoming all obstacles" thing. 

Or, I could put up a photo of Torbie. 

That, friends, is my bookcase. 

Monday night I was a little manic so I cleared up the front room.  I decided to make a shelf for Torbie.  One thing led to another and here you see her on her new throne. 

I have a stepstool underneath this shelf so she can bounce up easily.  She also likes to enter the back of the left-handed bookcase (all my bookcases have an open design), come through, go over to the stepstool, and mount the bookcase.  She wasn't too keen on lounging, until I added my "dirty" pillowcase.   Torbie loves to sleep on my dirty clothes, so the pillowcase was the finishing touch. 

She was on her "throne" when I left to go to Walmart this morning, and still there when I got back. 

Torbie's a lot of fun to spoil.  Look at this face: 

If I've done nothing else, I've given her a good life.  She's pretty happy. 

I get a lot of purring, petting, and cuddles every day. 

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I got some catnip treats recently.  Both cats love them. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super cute!