Thursday, May 15, 2014

Is that a bird?

I like to try to do nice things for myself when I'm depressed. 

Yesterday I spent about $12 on various air fresheners.  I like the Febreeze grapefruit. 

I also bought myself one of those cluster-poofy (cluster puff, my original choice of words, just sounds wrong) pillows.  It cost about $8, but it's been great.  It's got a lot of bounce.  I've been sleeping great on it.

I still have nightmares.  For some reason I've had some nightmares lately about stepping on broken glass.  It's stuck in my foot and I'm trying to get it out.  Pretty awful.  But falling asleep, and staying asleep?  Great. 

That's the nice thing about manual labor.  I sleep pretty well. 

Other than the nightmares.

So, I've enjoyed the new pillow.  I can't remember the last time I bought a new pillow. 

I am pretty simple, I never do my nails, I trim my hair once a year and use Suave hair care products, wear cheap and modest clothes, I have 3 pair shoes (workboots, cheap sneakers, and sandals).  But I do love my pillows.  I have them on every couch, and my chair.  I have 5 on my bed.  I love my pillows. 

I don't feel bad about that little luxury, because a pillow lasts for years.  I make my own laundry detergent and God knows the washer and dryer have paid for themselves several times over. 

When the day arrives, I plan to have them repaired.  I hear bad things about the very expensive new appliances.  I also hear they don't last very long. 

We went to the warehouse.  I was out of Hot Pockets, but not for long.  No bottled Coke!  Getting pretty disgusted.   They did have the Jalapeno chips, though. 

We got into work and got busy.  I had to tag and stock cold food, help Ron with sodas (beast of burden duties, mainly), do snacks, and take money out of the vending machines.  We did all that.  I also took out my trash. 

I could, I guess, make it someone else's problem, but that's not who I am. I piled my cart with a mountain of discarded cardboard and took it all out (a very long trip). 

I got back.  "How much time do we have?" 

"12 minutes". Yike.  I put up the cart and we ran out of there.  We went to the bank.  We went to the mall. 

For a payday, the mall was pretty dead.  I got Wendy's.  Ron ate some Wendy's but also got some chicken to go. 

When we got outside, the driver pulled right up, but teased us by saying he was here for someone else.  I believed him (I always do!), until he waved me on the van.  We got home, I took my meds (could have brought them, will next time), and a nap. 

I was OK for a while, but then I started having nightmares.  I had the broken glass one, and then a wierd one about a family known as the "Harrigans" invading a home.  I was staying there, but it wasn't my house.  Then, in the dream, I stepped on more broken glass. 

I was pretty happy to wake up.  About that time, some of the kids came home next door and began making racket.  I've figured when the little ones come home, she sends them out in the backyard.  They're not all hers, some are carpool kids, and she lets them run wild in the yard until the carpool Mom comes for them.  After the carpool kids go, she takes her own in the house.  [shrug] 

So, I have to watch my naptimes. 

I got up.  Did my computering. I already did my God Time first thing this morning.  I ate pretty decently today. 

I've mentioned this before: I get some really nasty little infected cysts.  Even if I had ultimate unlimited medical, I wouldn't get the antibiotics and drainage every time. 

You'll find some really sick people at the doctor's office.  For me, I do better taking a lot of Vitamin A and E.  It seems to help a lot - with healing, and prevention. 

I was out of E.  I bought some at the mall.  It wasn't cheap and it isn't USP, but I hope it works anyway. 

I don't want to have oily vitamins shipped until wintertime.  Walmart has a fairly limited selection.  I figure my fish oil (A, D, omega acids) and 400 mg E's ought to help.  If they don't I learned my lesson.  I figure if the Walmart brand works the other brand will. 

I should see dramatic improvement in a day or so if it's working.  Ugh. 

I remind myself, though.  My brother died of immune deficiency.  My half sister has extreme immunity issues.  I'm a little prone to cysts (and, in my teens, acne) if I don't get a lot of antitoxidants.  That's not a big deal in the long run. 

Speaking of my sister, she sent me a forwarded email "Read when you have the time to respond".  I responded by deleting it.  I also set it up so her files will go to the spam folder. 

I didn't like the tone.  It appeared she had not done any self asessments.  I was certain it would be a long and manipulative tirade about how I'd wounded her, etc. 

"I've done some thinking and I'd like to talk."  THAT, I would have read.  Not some forwarded thing.  I am also still getting the occasional stalk from her.  One of her friends tried to friend me on facebook.  I found that amusing. 

I have an open profile.  If you want to see what I'm doing you can look (unless you are one of the very few people I've blocked).  "Buddy" could have spied on me now and then and gotten back to her. 

Why "friend" me?  She was very rude to me at the wedding.  She didn't like me.  She doesn't want to be my friend.  She wants to spy.  So I declined. 

It's just not a good idea to pester someone, stalk someone, with a paranoid illness.  Now I have my Haldol, which does a very good job, but still... it's not polite. 

I did have a funny moment at the Walmart a few days ago.  A guy standing behind me asked "Is that a bird?" in an alarmed tone of voice.  I told him it was, and told him "I'm just evil enough that I thought about saying no, and screwing with your head!"  We had a good laugh. 

You may know I had a moment like that myself a year or two ago. 

Hm.  I think Ron went a little over the limit on the alcohol tonight.  He's just a little belligerent.  Maybe I can encourage him to eat a little, or more prudent just leave him alone for a while. 

He's upset Baby Girl brought us a lizard.  She's a cat, that's what they do. 

Anyway, I need to throw Ron in the bath so he looks pretty (he hates showers) tomorrow for his doctor's appointment.   I also need to do some laundry. 

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