Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bible Handout update!

I never know who's getting a Bible.  God does, and it amazes me how He sends them. 

A good example, our ride to go to the handout location - almost an hour late.  BUT, as I walked out I met the garbage man.  I gave him a Bible.  The driver saw it, and wanted one.  I also gave one to the return trip driver. 

I got to the location and set up.  We worked about an hour. 

I had a lot of families in cars, everyone wanted a Bible.  Most were black, one hispanic, and one cajun (white french from Louisiana).  The last family grinned at me from the car as I handed everyone a Bible, and the father said they were the "Host" (?) family. 

I also had my favorite, gangbangers, covered in "tats", with gold teeth, eager to get their Free Bible!  I handed out several to them.  Always my favorites.  God's given me a huge heart for them. 

I had one white guy kind of gaping at me.  I went over and handed him one (he had the window down) and said "Now you've got your bonafide Free Bible from the crazy lady!"  He laughed pretty hard, and the light changed. 

It grieved me that I couldn't reach 2 different people, who wanted Bibles, before the light changed.  They never came back. 

I had a couple more who did, that was fun. 

One guy didn't want a Bible, but remarked he had seen me at the Beltway and Antoine last week.  I nodded and we chatted about the recipients' eagerness in the ghetto vs. the "better" part of town. 
I didn't have any trouble (Ron helps in his own low key way), but one guy driving a totalled-out white sedan let out a bloodcurdling scream as he drove by.  I had bent over to do something with my crate. 

I had some children point me out to Mom, wanting Bibles.  I made sure everyone got one.
I also had a few cars, 3 people but they only wanted 2.  I'd point at the third and tease them into taking a Bible.  One lady was pretty adamant she didn't want one, so I gave hers to to a friend and her to hold it for her.  I'm sure, at some point, she will want it, or it will move on to a more receptive home. 

I handed out what little Spanish I had.  I could do a whole handout just with spanish. 

I almost had a couple of pileups, someone stopping, all the cars behind them had to stop.  One time, when the "behind" car saw I was handing out Bibles, he started hollering too.  That was pretty awesome (and that was all "offa" seeing Ron's sign). 

Over the last 4 years, I have seen fewer and fewer people wanting Bibles.  I don't know if they are saturated, or God is just pulling in the last of the harvest. 

However, I did distribute 58 tonight, which is more than some people do in an entire lifetime. 

After the handout, I waited in the gas station parking lot.  I had a minivan with very tinted windows pull up next to me.  I could feel them glaring at me (I had put up the getup, sign, etc, extra Bibles in a crate on the ground).  I think he might have believed I was a competitor drug dealer.  I just played "ignoring you" and he went away. 

I mean, I'm a large white woman in a loud neon orange hoodie, with a blind man in a wheelchair.  Not exactly competition. 

I was happy to see our ride! 

Please pray for the recipients! 

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