Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This is what manic looks like

So, after we got to work, I got my deliveries and did my inventory.  I get inventory tomorrow, and then stock it.  Things are pretty good.  The machines still look OK but clearly do need some inventory. 

I got a dizzy spell, and told Ron, interestingly enough, I thought it was the Depakote.  I remarked I could still think while I felt dizzy, and he "made" me sit down for a minute. 

Times like that I'm glad I'm not a roofer. 

After work, we went home for a little bit, and then we went to Dollar Tree.  Ron needed some flashdrives, which I got further down the strip mall.  He is pretty hard on his media. 

I got some first aid stuff for Ron and some things for me.  About the worst thing to happen: I thought I had put 3 Cherry Berry Wyler's light in my cart.  I didn't - I only put one, and 2 raspberry.  That's OK, I like raspberry.  Not as much, but I'll live, and if that's the worst thing of the day I'm doing great! 

I realized I wasn't jittery, like I am when manic, but I wanted to spend, and talk - a lot.  Ah.  This is what manic looks like on Depakote! 

Like the guy at work used to say, upon sighting Ron "Watch your pockets!" 

We came home, I did a lot of housework.  Not all of it, but I got all the winter stuff put up in the garage, some organizing, and all.  Yay. 

I love a good, mild, mania.  Not those black and horrific things of the past, full of irritability, paranois, and very bad thoughts, but a nice, light, bubbly, productive one. 

Kind of like a champagne. 

If I drank, that is. 

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