Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Day

Mixed episodes can be pretty frustrating.  One day I'm mostly depressed (yesterday), another, I'm mostly manic (today). 

Before I woke up, I had an interesting dream.  Ron and I were going to (fight in) a prizefight.  He could see, and was driving us. 

I decided to interpret that as a spiritual warfare message.  Sometimes I wonder why I have all the drama, forgettting I am on the front lines. 

That, and I'm crazy. 

So, everyone's all freaked out "the government is watching you".  SO WHAT.  I am completely open about all my thoughts and feelings.  No secrets.  I can keep someone else's secret, but I don't really have any of my own. 

I have always figured the government was monitoring me on some level, and acted accordingly.  When people "like" posts hostile to the administration, I pass.  Sure, it might be funny, but I'm being watched.  Not worth it.  I don't join, or like, radical groups.  I don't join any groups, unless you count a few Facebook groups.  Christian groups.  Weight loss groups.  One coffee klatch group.  Most people would say booor-ing. 

Good.   Like I say, I always want a boring life. 

I'm happy with my life.  That's a beautiful and good thing (I told you I was manic). 

So, I got up.  Ron expressed some concern about my showers running up the electric bill.  In Houston, Texas, our last bill was about $50.  We keep the thermostat pretty high, and we have good insulation. 

So, I guess I'll be getting up early.  I don't want to cause him a lot of stress.  I would like to think I am a pretty easygoing woman. 

I cleaned his legs (disinfect, antibiotic ointment).  They are getting better - slowly.  I will be so happy when he just has normal skin on his legs. 

Skin conditions (like my horrible hives of 2009) really make me appreciate intact, healthy, skin.  Take a minute to appreciate your skin. 

Whatever your problem, you probably don't have infected leg ulcers.  That's a good thing. 

I admit, I am paranoid enough to use disinfectant on the toilet every time Ron sits.  I am paranoid about catching that.

So, Ron's anointed.  Cuddle time with the cat.  She is such a lover.  Ron said she slept with him all night, either on him or right next to his head.  I "stole" her for my nap today.  She sure liked the microfiber blanket, but I do toss and turn, so she went back to Ron. 

We had a ride to the Christian bookstore.  However, the paratransit company left us there for over an hour and half. 

Manic, an hour at the nearby dollar store sounded great, but I later realized it could be used as some kind of sick torture.  Leave a manic woman in a Dollar Store with a little money. 

One time, I was dropped at a mall to "browse" for a few hours.  I seldom visit the mall.  This was a very high end mall.  Even if I had been manic, I could not have afforded anything.  Everything in the mall was tailored for an affluent college student.  Read: skinny college student.  None of the clothes would have fit.  It was really easy to walk around with my money in my pocket. 

Harder, when it's things I like and can actually afford.  I spent about $20.  Most of it, things I needed, like antibiotic ointment (I'm going through a tube every couple days) and q-tips (used to apply the ointment.  I always need drink mix, snacks, etc.  They have really nice soap, too. 

I headed out and got us some lunch, then took it to Ron.  We ate in the breakroom, raiding the vending machine for diet sodas.  Our ride came pretty fast and we went home. 

I had my nap with Pretty - not the most sustaining nap because she kept walking around on me.  I still love her. 

When I got up, I did some housework and took a chair out to the curb.  I've had it for 9 years.  It is turquoise.  That has been the redeeming value for 9 years: turquoise.  No one sits on it.  So, I got rid of it.  Then Ron and I  trimmed some low hanging tree stuff (he pulls the branch down and I snip it), and I organized the front room a bit. 

Mania:  That's when I spend my money, dye my hair, buy clothes, do laundry, download new music (most of this goes to spending), try new hobbies, write a lot of blogs, participate ....

Storm coming in.  Logging off. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A $50.00 electric bill in Houston, TX is pretty good. Ours runs 150 - 250 on average depending on the season.

Don't be prideful since Ron is on the disability and so are you a credit on your electric bill is something you should consider asking about.

Seriously you guys work hard and sales are slow so why not at least utilize this option to help you out?