Saturday, June 15, 2013

3 ones?

So, I'm wondering.  Is it a 3 day migraine?  Or just 3 one day migraines? 


I think I need to get some more Cal-mag-zinc.  I ran out about a week ago. 

I had a good night of sleep, woke up with the headache, did my God Time.  Ran to Walmart and got my pills, some cute t-shirts for both of us. 

Ron likes pocket t-shirts.  The trick is finding flattering colors, with a low polyester content.  Polyester in Houston - ugh! 

Ron bought my Depakote, so I had the money to spend on him.  I got him a grass green heather (wierd not to capitalize), and a deep blue heather.  I got myself a nice deep teal green heather.  Each shirt had a very low 10% polyester content.  I could have gone the cutesy route and gotten matching shirts, but Ron will only wear a pocket-t.  The one I liked for me, was a plain front. 

I like a pocket-t for my work shirts.  I wear my security badge on a lanyard, around my neck, and I don't want it hanging down and getting caught when I'm moving merchandise.  I do a lot of lifting, and keys/lanyard/cell phone all hanging down around my neck just begs for trouble.  

I need to wear the things around my neck or I lose/forget them.  With a pocket, I just cram it all in the pocket, a huge lump, and do my work.  I take it out when I'm done. 

If I'm working, it's a pocket t.  If I'm off, it's a plain front. 

I wandered around Walmart, throwing things in the cart.  Ron is taking his blood sugar very seriously.  He was horrified to see how some fresh fruit (pineapple) raised his sugars for hours after eating.  Happily, he did not get any new blisters. 

I decided it was only fair for me to help; so I've decided to go low carb myself.  Not a strict low carb induction, not yet, but I didn't buy any crap today. 

I got whole fat plain greek yogurt, whole fat large curd cottage cheese, powdered sugarfree drink mix, sausage, sliced ham, eggs, low carb bread for Ron, you get the idea.  No veggies, really, because we are not veggie fans.  I need to get some more veggie juice and we can maybe drink that. 

I couldn't forget rubbing alcohol, antibiotic cream (when Ron is better it will be so wierd passing that stuff without throwing a tube in the cart), more test strips, etc.  Ron's legs are slowly healing, thank God, with no real signs of infection. 

I decided to get some bags of trail mix for our drivers on Sunday.  The church ladies are notorious, nasty tempered and unkind.  I want to kind of counteract that.  The trail mix should be OK in the heat, healthier, but still yummy. 

The last time I handed it out the drivers adored it.  It's not cheap but I don't mind spoiling the Sunday drivers a little - the Sunday clients are really that bad. 

Yesterday, while we were out, the landlady came by and laid down the law.  The tenant spent most of the day dragging off his junk.  He still has bags of trash piled against our shared fence, but the side yard finally looks decent (the yards are separated by a hedge of bushes - his side has been full of junk, old shopping carts, and trash). 

I imagine we are not on his happy list right now.  His pickup is still gone but his girlfriend came home, parking across the street.  maybe they will clean out the garage next (it is really bad).  I mentioned the little dog in my letter - I wonder if they had permission. 

See, that's the thing - if you're renting you have to live a certain way, and abide by the rules of the landlord.  If you don't, you get punished.  As a homeowner, I have more leeway. 

I remind myself of that. 


Mark said...

Re Ron's legs? Look up venous ulcers

Heather Knits said...

No, it's not venous. It's diabetic blisters.

Horrible image here, not of Ron:

It is very similar to what Ron has - like a deep abrasion appearance, surrounded by some red (which means infection, which means Doc on Thursday).

Mark said...

Alcoholics have a high rate of Venus ulcers ...just saying what I know. Heather you are a wonderful nurse to Ron!

Heather Knits said...


Ron will definitely be mentioning alcohol to the doctor tomorrow.

Happily, he's had nothing stronger than a single beer for 2 weeks now, and before that a 2 week beer only period (one beer a night).

I can't, and won't make my happiness dependent on "Is he drinking" but it is reassuring to see some good choices being made.