Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thank you, Metro Bus

I can be pretty dark on the whole marriage at times.   While I was in the bath tonight, I decided to share some fun things. 

Ron took me to Walmart, and came home with the 20 pound sack of birdseed hanging around his neck in the jumbo tote bag.  He must have been a sight! 

He was meeting me about 4 hours later, to bring me home (it was a good thing, as it turns out, my handcart malfunctioned).  While at home, since we had a "date", he took a bath, brushed his hair, changed his clothes, and put on a little dab of cologne.  I found it adorable; and realized today that he always spruces himself up when he's meeting me to take me home. 

What makes it especially sweet, in my eyes, is the fact that most of those activities are highly painful to Ron (neuropathy makes his whole torso, including the back, very sensitive).  He loves his "new" beard, and the new beard trimmer.  He paid me back for the cost of the trimmer. 

I've realized the world isn't going to end if I ask Ron for help now and then, so I'm doing that.  Sometimes it's just turning off a light, or giving me a ride, and he's always delighted to help.  Worst case he says no and I do it. 

After Ron went home, I shopped a little.  I got some cornmeal and oatmeal for the disaster kit.  Good, filling, stuff that is gluten free.  I saw some fancy organic gluten free cereal; but upon reading the label realized it had more carbs than plain old Corn Chex!  AND, I could get an extra 1/4 cup in my serving!  Huh!  I didn't buy that. 

Then, I went bra shopping.  AGGGH.  It took me forever to find some bras in my price range.  I'm cheap.  I want to spend about $10 or less, on a bra.  The most I have ever spent was about $25, and that was a Wonderbra. 

I found about 1 that was in my size.  It was an ugly periwinkle blue.  I don't know why, but I have a great hatred of periwinkle.  However, I needed a bra and it was only $7. 

It didn't fit.  It was horrendously tight in the fitting room.  I am a rather large size; 2 sizes larger than my usual, due to my antipsychotic side effects. 

For me, great power comes with great responsibility.  I realized about the time I "grew" that the basic unlined cotton bra was not appropriate anymore, I had a bad case of "Popeyes" at work.  OK.  The nipples are causing my brothers to stumble... so what to do? 

I now have to get bras with padding.  Mandatory.  They had plenty of large bras with no padding.  I even tried one on.  It fit great.  But HELLO THERE!  AGH. 

I even got some in a cup size smaller, band size larger.  Boy, that was a joke.  I looked like I had 4 breasts instead of 2.  [snort].  Not a good look. 

I finally decided to try a larger band size.  I found 5 cute bras in the right range (happily, the new band size/cup size combination is standard in bra manufacture).  I got a couple of the store basic brand, padded.  They were OK.  If I need another bra for under $10 I know that works for me. 

Then I tried on the sport bra, that got stuck at my elbows and rendered me pretty much immobile.  I had visions of asking for help.  I envisioned donning this "treat" at 2 AM on delivery day.  No. 

Then I tried on another bra made by a sport bra company.  It has padding.  It has underwires.  It has cute colors, even.  It has moisture wicking (a really big deal for me, with the hot flashes, active job, and walking around in the Houston summers).  It had normal styling.  It was lovely.  I bought 2. 

I would definitely buy another one, too.  So, the bra saga had a happy ending. 

I don't have a neutral ball cap to wear; and the bright sun bothers my eyes sometimes.  I found a cute chocolate brown, plain ball cap.  $2.50.  My Dr Peppers cost more than that!  They had plenty of other, adorable, colors, but I reminded myself 1.  limited budget and 2.  I only needed a single neutral.  Also, they would be there next time. 

Finally done.  Out to the bus stop.  Waited forever, got on. 


Yesterday I got a letter from Metro Bus Company.  It had a hard item inside.  I was a little concerned. 

Backstory, when I got my disabled bus pass, I had to submit a letter from my doctor, go downtown, "get processed", and go back home.  It was only going to be good for 3 years (time's up at the end of May, this year) and then I'd have to do it all over again. 

In fact, I had made a mental note to get another letter when I saw Doc in early May.  HOWEVER:

I opened the letter.  "Congratulations, you've been upgraded!"  Huh?  There's a new bus pass, my smiling face grinning back (it's a fraud preventer), expiration date 2019.  WOW.  I didn't have to do anything.  When my old one is used up (no more money left on the card), I simply load the new one with money, and it's on. 

Now, Metro bus and Metrolift are essentially the same thing.  They know Ron and I are married.  I'm sure they noticed that the volume of Ron's trips went way down when I got my pass.   So, it's absolutely in their best interest to keep me riding the bus. 

I thought it was wonderfully sweet of the bus company.  I love Metro.  The buses are always clean, nice drivers, safe drivers, great climate control, on schedule, etc.   And now they sent me a new pass without me lifting a finger! 

I have a hard time accepting accomodations for my disability.  I am learning how to be gracious.  This was a huge step. 

Thank you, Metro Bus. 

My handcart was developing a very alarming shimmy.  I went to the sporting goods store and looked at the camping stuff, but didn't even buy a soda.  At one point, I could have walked about a mile, with the handcart, or take a bus.  I took the bus. 

I verified Ron and I were meeting.  I went to the pet store and looked around.  Ew.  Crickets for sale. 

I don't have anything against crickets, but the box full of crickets gave me the creeps.  UGH. 

I went to Starbucks.  Ron eventually met me, all fresh and spruce.  I flirted with him - I love to do that; and he likes it too. 

We decided to get him an iced latte instead of a Frappuccino.  Fewer carbs.  He loved it, and had me recite the specifics onto his digital recorder so he could order it himself. 

Our ride came, and we went home.  I sicced Ron on the handcart and he fixed it!  He also told me the "trick" to get it working again if it starts to wobble. 

Then he came outside and sat in his chair while I worked in the garden.  I love that.  We enjoyed listening to the birds, and then eventually came inside. 

Now it's off to bed and work tomorrow. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so cute, your "dates" with Ron. My fiance and I are the same way, we always want to look our best when we go out!

Agh, I have the same problem with bras. Being a larger cup size gal, the bras are always more expensive. And I like to look modest, too. I've found that, believe it or not, Sears catalogue has some good ones in the warehouse sales/overstock section, I've found lined bras for 10.00.