Monday, March 7, 2011

It will kill me

It's almost a cliche.  "Antidepressants or other psychiatric medication are just as important as blood pressure or seizure medications"  Absolutely true.  There's no such thing as "Just" a mental illness.  It's a serious thing. 

IT WANTS TO KILL YOU.  I always, every minute of every day, know that around 20% of us commit suicide.  Statistics say anywhere from 5-30% of people with bipolar disorder, commit suicide.  That's horrible.  Many CANCERS have better survival rates! 

Don't forget, plenty of us, like me, planned to make our suicide look like an accident.  Ooops.  How careless of me.  Oh well, I'm just glad it was an accident.  I figured it would bring my family a little measure of comfort, and I'm sure I'm not independent in my thoughts. 

I also know this, lithium dramatically reduces my risk of suicide.  Even when I came up allergic to SSRI antidepressants, and only took my lithium and antipsychotic, the depressions, while awful, were LIVEABLE.  I won't bother to reiterate all the statistics, but lithium dramatically improves quality of life, for many people like me. 

My illness wants me dead.  I never, ever forget that. 

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