Thursday, March 17, 2011

I unloaded everything

I'm getting munched by depression.  Occasionally I allow myself to forget, this illness has teeth. 

Boy, does it.  I'm actually glad the neighbor kids are running around and shouting in the yard, right next to my bedroom.  If I went to bed, I wouldn't sleep anyway.  I would LOVE to go to bed; it's 5 PM. 

So, how was my day?  Got up, headache again.  Took my over the counter generic excedrin; again.  Didn't do my morning God Time; I didn't have it.  I reminded myself that since God created me, He understood. 

I don't ever want anyone to think "Oh, she's so saintly" or "She has it all under control".  [snort]  Not.  Quite.  True. 

So, Chuck was due to pick us up around 8, and he did.  We went to the wholesale warehouse.  I loaded cases of bottled soda onto the handcart (Chuck is about to retire on disability for back, etc.); I got the snacky things we needed: Munchies, Japanese Peanuts.  I made an awful joke about them glowing in the dark.  I was OK for candy.  Got some juice boxes. 

Checked out; handed out "my" candy with scripture booklet (did that a lot today).  She said thank you.  Chuck drove up.  I loaded the truck. 

We went to work.  My handcart had a dramatic "fail" halfway to the stockroom.  I wasn't happy. 

Got the OTHER handcart.  Still had merchandise, so I had to unload the first broken cart, put on the other cart, unload in stockroom, get rid of bad cart, go outside, finish unloading truck, and put the merchandise and cart away.  I was pretty hot and tired. 

I got a cold bottle of Diet Dr Pepper out of the stockroom.  I handed it to Ron.  "Hold this".  He did. 

I took it from him.  "Oh, how thoughtful!  You're the best!"  He laughed. 

We went to the seafood restaurant.  I ate fried things.  They were good.  Other than the batter, I ate a few hush puppies. 

I figured I had burned it off with the unloading and all. 

Then we went to Home Depot.  Ron wanted a paving stone for the yard.  I did the loading and all. 

Then Walmart, to buy a new handcart for work, because the other one was unsalvagable.  I got that, and, with my money, got some canning jars.  I was happy to see them. 

THEN we went home.  I unloaded everything (common theme here), and then checked on the plants.  Everyone looked OK.  Said hi to dum-dum next door (the dog), wagging away at the fence. 

I went to bed.  I woke up, with the song "Push it" running through my head.  I hate that song.  Then I had "Blaze of Glory" by Bon Jovi, which was a thousand times better.  I kept thinking about the workers on suicide jobs; in Japan.  A lot of people know they won't be here long. 

Depression had me pretty well entrapped; but I hung in there.  I went out into the garden and looked around again.  Got bitten by fire ants.  Bad word. 

I'm about out of gas for the day.  I think I will eat early, and take my night-time pills.  Do my God Time.  If the kids let me, I'll go to bed early.  It's been a hard day. 

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