Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ron wanted to know why I was "acting funny" today. Somewhere between the fact he couldn't bother to remember I had a migraine; cursing me out when I had it; buying vodka but not enough to pay me; told him I wished God would let me leave.


Heidi said...

new rule you get paid first always maybe the day you work?

second rule ..ginger ginger ginger
I swear if you start sipping it when you know the migrain is coming on helps the nausea and keeps you prehydrated

I am sorry you are sick

I am sick and depressed myself so you have my empathy

Buggo said...

Heather, God isnt making you stay with him. You do gave a choice here. I dontthink God wants anyone to stay married to someone like that. Ever. And if you think he does then there is something very wrong.

Heather Knits said...

What I have found the most disturbing, about today: he's just acting the same. Same old poor me party.

As I was on the verge of telling him I would be unavailable to work Monday, due to lack of funds, he decided to pay me.

When we got home, we did the books. Sales are pretty sad. For him, a great excuse to get drunk and yell at God again.

I have a feeling, Buggo, that when it's time to go God will make it very clear.

Anonymous said...

Heather, is the house in both your names? If not, it should be, unless Texas is a community property state.

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, it's in both our names. The mortgage is all his, though.

GAH. I'm so tired my brain hurts. I'll be going to bed early.

I really want to do whatever God has planned for me. I know trying to do things in my own strength could end up ugly.

Ideally, Ron would realize he has problems and work on getting them fixed, making me a valued priority. That to me is the ideal.