Thursday, October 3, 2024


 I had a pretty bad headache yesterday but I managed to work.  I wanted something salty on my break.  The Frito Lay guy had (I am really trying not to blame him, here, but I'm human)  not restocked the display.  All we had was Cheetos, hot chips, and Cool Ranch Doritos.  

You may remember I had migraine issues after this year's hurricane which I tracked to the Nacho Doritos but I thought "I will be OK".  

1 AM finds me vomiting in my bucket.  2 AM finds me turning on my phone and using the app to "call out" with the last of my sick time.  All day alternating sessions with the bucket.  

The boy cats were very concerned for a while.  It's been a rough day but there's no way I could have worked.  

I have Gatorade powder and I'm drinking that (made into solution of course).  I will eat something bland and safe when my appetite comes back.  

I have learned not to eat until that happens.  

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