Friday, October 11, 2024

I am the first to say I am 100% clueless about this stuff

 I have been friends with a male co worker for a while.  He likes cats, doesn't have one, but enjoys a cat photo now and then so I will text him and he texts me back something along the lines of "How cute" or "What a nice boy".  

Yesterday I was taking my last break when he came in the break room and said "Oh, Heather!" with delight.  "I need a hug!"  

I laughed and said "People will talk" (me hugging him in front of the whole break room, but to our credit we are both single), got up anyway, and gave him a "good' hug.  He went off to heat up his lunch and then brought it to my table to eat.  We have about a dozen tables.  We chatted a few minutes and I went back.  

Does he like me?  I don't know.  He is about my age, single, has a good work history.  Unlike a lot of my male coworkers he actually does his job.  

There are 2 married (not to each other) team leads who are well known as a couple but they are giving corporate what they want.  There is a female team lead "maneater" "shark' type who wrecked my friend's relationship.  She wouldn't leave him alone and he wouldn't tell her he wasn't interested.  So a lot of fault to share but my friend was really broken up about it so I don't like that woman!  

I went back to work and told my friend I don't know if the guy likes me or not?!  He is a nice enough friend and I respect that.  He has always been appropriate, respectful, and kind.  I don't know.  Baffled.  This is one thing I think the Fetal Alcohol affects me.  

Mom and Dad have made it REALLY clear they don't want to hear anything about my love life until I have a presentable husband prospect.  I know they would feel better if I remarried, money issues for 1.  Someone to keep an eye on me #2.  

And my aunt is super busy so I am left blogging to figure it out.  

I think I will find out if he has any food allergies and maybe cook him something.  That should be safe enough assuming I don't get him sick!  

On another note my friend who does clearance brought me some work shoes.  So I will have something decent to wear today.  

I average about 60 miles a week on my feet and the running crowd always says to change your shoes every 300 miles or so; I always need new shoes and let me tell you my feet start screaming at me when I get up around 250 miles or so.  

Last night I bought a $4 bottle, 100 tablets of magnesium, out of desperation.  I know magnesium deficiency can cause migraines and I was desperate.  I have not talked about the severity of the headaches but they have been bad, bad, bad the last month or two.  Some of that has been hormonal, weather issues, space weather (it's a real factor for me), stupid food choices, etc.  

So last night I took 2 tablets before I went to bed.  I woke up a couple times as I do and did not have the customary headache.  I woke up around 3 and I had a mild one.  So I took my herbal supplements (they do help), a magnesium tablet, and 2 Excedrin.  

I never wonder why I get an upset stomach sometimes!  

And it worked.  So I'm going to keep that up.  And these are just the cheap magnesium oxide ones.  

That's it for now!  

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