Thursday, October 31, 2024

I almost forgot

 I have some photos.  

First one here is the hot & sexy "Fruit of the Loom Purple Grapes guy" look in my poncho.  

That is the most unflattering look imaginable.  

And I have a stalker?  Looking like that?  

That's better.  I actually liked the hair with the orange shirt, I will have to do that again.  

Oh and Buddy and I have been texting.  I sent him a cat photo on Monday and we have been chatting a little via text.  Do I think it's going anywhere?  No.  But is nice to see the texts.  

That's it for now I'm going to take off my eyeshadow.  I used some clear mascara too I don't want that overnight.  

Work was exactly what I expected

 I didn't do the candy evangelism this year.  I think the dental issues had me avoiding even thoughts of candy.  It was some fruit flavored taffy that yanked the filling, by the way.  I did buy 4 bags of candy and I've handed out 1.  It's been pretty quiet this year.  

It was chaos today, one scene involved a very angry grocery manager being told he couldn't "borrow" me for an hour as is customary.  He looked very aggravated.  I saw him on my way to the bathroom and I took the long way around.  

I found some nice scented candles on special and brought some for a friend, she really enjoyed them.  

Ah I hear someone approaching.  

At any rate it was a very busy day.  

I did OK but as I was leaving my tooth started acting up again.  It had been about 10 hours since my last dose of pain killer (12 hour stuff).  So it is more a 10 hour pill and not a 12.  

Because of that (pretty spicy pain levels an hour after taking my next dose) I am not hungry.  

It will be interesting to see how much candy I move tonight.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Day in pictures

 Plenty of cuddles with Cleo, too, but she doesn't like photos.  

 I had a nice nap with Cleo and Biscuit.  

It was sad riding the bus today; I had the one guy bothering me at the bus stop.  Then I saw another guy with oily hair, oily attitude, hassling a young girl clearly going to work.  She was about 19.  He kept asking her very personal questions.  

Now I will give my name to a driver if I'm talking to them and they ask.  I did today in fact but on a different bus.  I figure maybe they want to look me up on Facebook (it was a lady, and I got her a lunch because I went to the grocery store).  

Anyway this young girl was wearing a work uniform t shirt so it was obvious she was employed, and where.  He kept asking what a kennel was.  Then he wanted her number, her hours worked, etc.  RED FLAGS.  

I didn't even tell Buddy my hours worked when he asked.  I do tell my regular drivers if I won't be riding at the usual time, though.  I don't want them worried about me and a few told me they do worry, if I'm not there.  

I went to the grocery store, got my favorite cashier.  The store gives a receipt with survey information to leave comments so I left a good one for her, by name.  I am very happy about that.  

I had a cold drink earlier, forgetting my tooth doesn't like cold things.  So that was unpleasant for a lot of the day.  I need to clean up and do up some candy for the kids tomorrow.  

That's it for now! 

I can see why the voting place was dead

 I was in and out no waiting.  However, a scumbag at the bus stop bothering me.  

NO I said.  He kept mumbling.


That shut him up!  He followed me on the bus but got off before I did.  

Very early Wednesday

 I have a t shirt that says "NOPE not going to happen" on it, I wore it Monday and I think Buddy thought it was pointed at him, we didn't talk much and he later (at the end of the run) said he thought I didn't want to talk.  

When I got back from my trip he had given me his phone number "So I could send him a photo of the famous bread loaf so he could see about buying it online".  I did that, he didn't respond.  I left it alone.  Weeks passed.  

I decided I could send him a cat photo and leave it at that, he did text me back on that and also remarked on the photo 

So we talked a little about cats and a couple minutes on Biscuit's condition.  Between us, and this did not come up, there is a surgery can be done but it would involve mutilating Biscuit's manhood.  I have seen Biscuit licking his manhood, he is very proud of it and I would put him down before I did that.  I don't believe in any kind of genital mutilation, male or female.  I can see the arguments for male circumcision though, in a human.  But that didn't come up and I wouldn't have discussed the cat stuff on a bus anyway.  And the human stuff I would not discuss unless I knew someone very well - that hasn't even come up with my aunt and I tell her everything.  

I am very proud of my aunt.  She trapped cat #3 out of 4.  This was the calico, obviously a female - looks more like a Tortie to me but same thing - female - so glad she is going to the clinic.  The other one is orange and white so likely a male and not as big a deal since they all live outside.  I gave her the trap years ago.  

So I'm leaving the ball in Buddy's court.  I would say right now we have a very light friendship.  

I am having formatting difficulties and it's 1 am so I'm not going to fight.  

I did feel bad for my 2 local bus drivers.  The first one is "Done with this ghetto bus route" and the other one told me he had two write ups.  Then I didn't see him yesterday it was obviously a substitute, so he may have been fired.  I hope not, he was a nice guy.  

He was very sweet and always asked me about my day, told me a little about his husband.  He had asked for my name which I gave him, I hope he looks me up on Facebook.  That's the problem with a lot of the routes, the driver disappears and I never see them again.  

It will be interesting to see if Buddy bids on the route again.  

Work was OK just long.  My boss did say "Thank you' several times which I find important at work.  My love languages are gifts (to give) and quality time, in my personal life.  At work it is more words.  

The grocery manager was also very sweet and concerned about my nut allergy yesterday when I zoned the breakfast cereal aisle, I am just going to wear gloves every time I zone, I think.  I didn't have any issues but I could see the nuts in the granola.  I think the manager actually researched nut allergies and realized, like I said, "I don't want to be lying on the floor swelling up like a pumpkin in somebody's Tik Tok".  

And I'm off today which is nice.  When I get up for good I plan to research the issues on the ballot, go vote, get a treat, come home, clean.  Take a nap!  

Tomorrow is my long day.  That's it for now!  

"Work was insane" how many times can I say that?

 So I went in and 2 of the team leads were working on their day off.  They were also quarreling.  It made work very, very, uncomfortable.  But they're under a tremendous amount of pressure.  I did what I could to do my job.  

And I think I did it pretty well.  I can't say more due to pest issues and not wanting to reveal my job.  

At one point the Team Leads' boss came by and shouted at them in front of me which I found profoundly unprofessional.  You can say a lot about Ron, but he was a great boss.  He would have a private meeting with his employees once a week where they could bring up issues with him and he could give them gentle corrections if needed.  One time he had to talk to an employee who was wearing crop tops and tight leggings and had a muffin top.  The customers complained the sight of her belly made them sick.  He actually took her off privately in the cafeteria, had a talk with her, had her laughing about it, and gave her $50 to buy some new clothes.  And guess what, problem solved.  

My store doesn't do it like that.  Yell at the associate in front of their co workers, the customers... it's one of the few things I don't like about my job.  

I had Buddy on the way home.  He told me later he thought I didn't want to talk, but he did talk to me at the end of the ride.  I texted him a photo of the bread early this month and he didn't answer me back.  I took a chance and texted him a great photo I have of all 3 cats.  He did text me back this time.  I am not in a rush.  

Bad news weather says rain this weekend so likely no Handout.  But we desperately need the rain so I can't complain.  

I remembered to bring home my Aleve gel caps (generic version) and had a much better night of sleep as a result.  

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Tense today

 Everyone is stressed out.  I did find a cute lipstick I like that is more "sweet" than "spicy".  Color is "Pinkie Ring" by Wet and Wild Mega last.  

I am tired and looking forward to going home.  

That's it for now.  

Made it to work

 Some drama, but I made it.  

I slept ok as I said but the antidepressant has me tired.  I hope today is better than the last few.  

I have ants in the cat food at home.  I will need to address that when I get home tonight.  

Monday, October 28, 2024

Very early Monday

 It's funny; my conventional wisdom says Buddy would like to see me with hair and makeup done, wearing something a little spicy... but he seems most interested when I'm wearing my old straight leg jeans and a baggy t shirt, telling him stories about my life.  

I think I'll tell him some Bible Handout highlights today, like the guy who brought us donuts, the MS-13 guy who wondered if "he" got a Bible (of course), and the carload of gangbangers smoking blunts all wanted a Bible each.  

I'm always conscious there are others listening so I don't share anything too much, or, conversely, ask him about his personal life.  He will share things sometimes and I follow up on them but I don't want him putting something out there someone might use against him.  

I forgot to take my pain pills out of my vest so last night was white knuckling it with aspirin which actually did pretty well considering.  I have a giant bottle of aspirin and not a bad idea to be taking it considering my family history of heart trouble.  

My fit bit was acting up yesterday I'm going to try and work on it now.   I'm not too worried, it was third hand so who knows what life it's had.  

I want to find my "Nope, not going to happen" t shirt I like that a lot.  

Found it.  I got pretty sick (dizzy, weak) after I took my antidepressant; it happens sometimes.  It's the price I pay is all.  

Wearing straight leg jeans, a little face powder and eyeshadow (those seem to stay on even during very hot and active days), I will have my hair in a ponytail when I go home.  

That's it for now.  

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Bible Handout update

 I had asked for "anything King James" and got quite a bit. I took it with me today, knowing the fancy Gift and Award Bibles would go like hotcakes, and boy did they. I brought a few non-King James as well because I felt led.

I loaded up my buggy. I did not check the weather and it was warmer than I would have liked and very humid, but in my spot it is very common to see salvage vehicles driving around (somehow) and everyone has a window open when it's warm because they don't have, or can't afford to fix, their AC. That always goes well for me.

Whoever prayed for no bees, thank you, I did not have a speck of trouble and Metro had cleaned out the problematic, bee-attracting, trash can.

The driver who took me is one who almost cried one day when I brought him a lunch and he kept calling me by name as we went down the road. There was something blocking the bus stop but he made it work and even unfolded the ramp so I could get the cart out easily.

I don't, usually, on a Handout but last week the recipients loved I was wearing lipstick so I wore lipstick and eyeshadow. Anything else would have melted off with me running around in the heat but I've found that works no matter what.

I got started and the fancy ones were flying out of there. I had a lot (several) single young (early 20's) women by themselves wanting Bibles, some just one, one older lady wanted 4 because she had three kids and wanted one for herself. The Spanish were also popular but I only did about 15.

One young lady drove up, her companion in the passenger seat was a dressed up young lady with money pinned on her shoulder, it's a custom here to pin money on someone who's having a birthday. The driver asked if the friend could have a Bible as it was her birthday and they were thrilled to hear they each got one.

I had a couple of older residents drive by and eye me approvingly. You don't see evangelism on that corner unless I'm in the zip code. And, speaking of, a couple of the young women kept saying how wonderful I was, I said (and mean) God does all the work I'm just a tool. I'll go, that's my only qualification. Anyone "could" do this but God has me doing it for some reason and I will do it as long as He calls me. That doesn't make me special or amazing it just makes me obedient and I am to be obedient.

One lady did want an easier to read translation to I set her up with one, she gave me a big grin and drove off. I think most of the people in the area know of me because no one offered me money (good) and no one gave me a hard time. One lady asked how long I'd been there, I told her I've been coming for 12 years. Her eyes bugged out at that. "But I've only been out half an hour and most of them are gone".

I worry people think I am coming there in judgement - only God does that - so I started blowing kisses at the cars when I'm not waving and they seemed to like that. Also the sign says "Free Bibles, God Loves You!" with a happy face.

I wrapped it up and went to the taco truck which was delicious. That's it for now! Pray for the recipients!

Boy my sleep is crap

 I'm not upset about anything I just wake up a lot, and I pared way back on the caffeine days ago.  

Another interesting note my hand tremor makes it hard to open my eye makeup.  I am considering breaking the lids off and putting them in quart sized freezer bags (individually).  My other daily living stuff is fine.  

This is partly inherited, both my parents had/have essential tremor.  Part of it is pharmaceutical; my medications all have hand tremor as a side effect.  Would I rather have steady hands and an unsteady mind?  Of course not.  

I had a LOT of time to think about side effects when I was waiting to see my doctor, it was 2 months between diagnosis and medication, I did a LOT of reading because that's how I deal.  Anyway I read a horrifying list of side effects and decided I was OK with all of it as long as it would make me better.  

My Dad gets Botox injections in his arms which help, he says, tremendously, with the tremors and do not have any side effects.  He also takes a medication I would avoid because it can make patients suicidal.  

Time for my shower.  I'm doing a Handout later.  

Friday, October 25, 2024

I'm going to skip stuff that could be used against me

 And that's all I'll say.  I had a fine day.  

By "used against me" I don't mean immoral or criminal activity, but information that some don't need to know.  

I am sorry the innocent get lumped with the guilty on that.  

I had a fine day at work, it seemed much slower than previous Halloween weekends.  A telling statement on the economy, I think.  

I'm off tomorrow.  I did about 13K steps.  

The cats are good.  More info as I can share it.  I would be a real idiot to load a gun and then hand it to my stalker.  

Someone I didn't want to see

 You can look up my posts on my horrible experience with Harris County IDD also known as Harris County mental health clinic.  

Long story short (too late!) they failed me at a time when I was desperate and in crisis, then they allowed my data to be breached, TWICE.  

Now I have what I consider a helpful face, pair that with my skin, eyeglasses, and ponytail customers love to ask me for help.  

You can imagine I had complex emotions when I looked up and saw one customer, wearing a Harris County IDD polo, in front of me.  

I helped her and simply said "You have a hard job". She said yes and left.  She came back about 10 minutes later with another question, which I answered.  

"Did you get a lot of flack from your clients about the data breach?" I asked.  

She did a double take, recoiled, realizing I must have been a client who had their data breached, and said, yes, some were very upset.  Then she ran off!  


Thursday, October 24, 2024

I made it

 19 THOUSAND steps.  

8.3 miles walked 

3 thousand calories burned.  

Earned (net) about $100.  

I'm going to bed.  

Busy! Busy!

 But the boss seems happy.  

I am sleeping OK.  My tooth is OK most of the time but I got a little bit of apple in there this morning and that was special.  

Tepid vs cold drinks are better.  Ace is getting me tonight, thank God.  

I'm tired.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

I'm done apologizing for my house

 I have depression.  

I have brain damage.  

All the experts said I would never live on my own and here I am.  

So here are the cats: 


I'm a little post traumatic from my assault

 As you know I don't talk about my job.  I will say my store locks up the baby formula and I was asked to "cover calls" when someone was on lunch.  

So I did that.  It was a mother and father, with a 2 year old ish baby.  It is important to note the mother had long, loose, hair.  

I have my hair back in a ponytail when I'm working.  The mother came up and inch or two behind me while I was unlocking the case, holding the toddler in her arms.  

Suddenly I felt a yank on my ponytail and the mother, father, and baby started laughing.  I gave them a glance (there was a language issue) and the toddler (certainly not limited in any way and old enough to know better) had pulled my hair 

I knew, based on the mother's hairstyle, she had taught the baby not to pull *her* hair.  

I turned back to my work and I felt another yank.  "Hey!  Cut it out!". 

The mother went "Awww" and started "consoling" the baby who honestly didn't GAF.  

I don't like strangers yanking on my hair!  Some of my lady coworkers play with it which is fine, I know them.   But don't teach your kid it is OK to go around pulling people's hair!  

They didn't even say "No" either time.


They were really mad I wouldn't just hand over the formula and "made" them go to checkout and pay immediately but that's store policy.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Baffled again

 So I caught Buddy's bus again.  He was very attentive, asking good questions, talking a lot all the way.  He obviously wanted to talk to me, no other way to put it.  

I did tell him something that matters a lot to me; that I hope if I do meet someone he will be as passionate about sharing Jesus as I am.  

I saw the Bimbo on the other bus.  She didn't recognize me and I didn't say anything.  It is very odd for a 30 something year old white woman to be riding the bus dressed like that in the middle of the day.  She was obviously not working - yesterday she had a crop top and vinyl pants, today it was a fitted tank top and bike shorts.  

I may work some overtime tomorrow we'll see.  

That's it for now.  

Google photos put up a photo I'd rather forget

 Ron and I looking happy.  "The best thing that ever happened to me" was a liar, abuser, and cheat even after I saved him from a nursing home.  


Edit: Here it is.  

Biscuit is in my computer chair

 I was thinking about something Buddy said when the blonde hottie was pumping him for details of his personal life.  

"I like to go to the bar with my friends after work"

Ooooh that's a problem.  

That said he (and everyone) is free to pick the person who is truly their type.  I want someone who's passionate about Jesus and reaching out to the lost.  That is #1 for me.  I've even told coworkers "If some man ever gives you a little book on how to know Jesus, bring him to me"

I really want someone who's as excited about Bible Handouts as I am.  If I can't have that I'll wait for Jesus. 

Some of the happiest times of my life we're doing a Handout with Ron and then going out to eat, after. 

That's it for now.  

Monday, October 21, 2024

Ron's big foray into open marriage

 So in the late 90's, when housing was at a premium, Ron told me he wanted to see other women.  Well.  He didn't want to *see* them.  

He told me I either had to "approve"or  move out.  I could not afford any kind of housing in that market and I couldn't move back in with my parents.  My brother would have beat Ron to a pulp.  

He forced me to agree, which I hated.  I resented it.  It hurt me tremendously.  He played a lot of head games I won't get into, basically he wanted either 2 of us competing for his attention or to make me the monster and Ron the victim who "had" to cheat.  

"Because I was messy" that was one woman.  She was married, a co worker.  She liked me, he told me later, and didn't want to hurt me until he showed her the messy apartment and then she felt OK taking her clothes off.  

There's something I could add but I won't.  

Ron fell for her, hard.  She was exactly the type of woman he felt he deserved, educated, intelligent, poised, socially adept, fairly slim, etc.  He compared me to her, unfavorably, ongoing.  I was never going to meet her standard.  

He apparently proposed to her - this came out after the accident when he was coming out of the coma.  He kept calling one of the nurse aides her name and asking why she wouldn't marry him.  It was a very awkward moment for the nurse aide until I took her aside and told her I "knew" already.  

They broke up and Ron basically moved to Texas to get away from her.  When the Alzheimer's hit he kept calling her until she blocked him.  

He cheated, I did not.  I decided I wasn't going to lower myself to his level.  

His big foray into open marriage ended up with him getting his heart broken.  

I saw Buddy again

So I got on Buddy's bus today and he was being monopolized by a bleached blonde hottie who looked way better than I ever will.  But he looked uncomfortable and wasn't answering some of her questions.  

Maybe he likes guys?  I never thought of that.  At any rate, when she left, I chatted a little about the Bible Handout and my aunt's cat who just got fixed.  The usual.  He wasn't having a good day.  

I think the problem 1.  He is very good looking and 2.  He is very nice.  Women are all over that (me included).  But does he like women?  Who knows.  My radar on that is not good.  

I didn't know the other driver was gay until he made a point of mentioning his "husband" tonight.  

I won't complain as much

 About the craziness in Houston.  

We have a Roku TV in the break room and someone turned it to New York news.  It was one account after another of stabbings, slashings, and a girl being groped in the #3; all on public transportation .  

That makes the Crazy train look positively tame!  

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Big Advils

 I had a pretty unpleasant night until I remembered 3 things: 

1.  There is nothing better than Advil for dental angst.  

2.  I had 200 Advil in the medicine cabinet.  

3.  I had some generic brand Anbesol.  

After that I was OK.  I think I can just take a large (but legal) dose of Advil twice a day and be OK.  I did "the big Advils" after my root canal troubles and that worked very well.  I won't say how many over the counter ones equate to a prescription "big Advil" but I do know the number.  

So I got up took my shower got on the computer for a while.  I made my chicken soup.  It is more of a stew, and I need a bigger stock pot.  

I also need a cutting board.  

The stew is very good and I have the rice cooking.  

I also got the remaining cooked chicken (I only used about half the stewed chicken leg quarters) put up in the freezer and then the remaining raw chicken in the big crock pot with some red wine, a lot of onions and garlic.  

This, I guess, is how I cook.  I was shaking black pepper over the raw chicken in the pot and the cap flew off and a lot of black pepper came out on the chicken.  My angle?  "Well we will see how I like it".  

It's chicken leg quarters.  They cost about $2.  The broth cost about $1, so did the onions, that's another $1.  Garlic was about 10 cents I can get it super cheap here.  The pepper was pretty old anyway.  And I may love it, I suspect I will.  I'll keep you posted.  

But I'm pretty flexible in my cooking.  Except baking I am pretty precise there that's more chemistry.  

I am going to make some whole wheat pasta for my stew.  Chet (crazy train driver in the morning, for me, most days) said he'd like that.   Me?  I like rice for when I'm taking my pills (Big Advil don't play with a stomach lining and there is nothing worse than vomiting with a toothache).  Not much, the rest of the time.  Mom didn't make rice much, growing up.  

Although I do value my rice pot.  I tried to do some crocheting but Biscuit got up and attacked it.  He's pretty lively for an old man.  

That's it for now, going to take a nap.  

I love the very appropriate meow at the end


Yes, the house is messy.  The cats were playing and I haven't taken out the recycle.  

Way more than you ever wanted to know about my dental troubles.

 So I am going to share some details on my dentist relationships.  

When I was a kid I had a terrible experience having teeth pulled.  My therapist apparently told my Mom to lie to me about the date of the appointment, put me in the car and just dump me there.  

No one thought about it: I'm a high strung kid with major anxiety issues and severe depression.  I'm already scared of the dentist.  But wait, let's go better and pull four teeth (to make room for braces) under a local, with no other medication.  

It ended about how you'd expect me in the chair bloodcurdling screams of terror.  Mom said I scared off all the other patients which is funny now.  I can imagine!  It's very funny, now.  

I had an OK experience with the oral surgeon who did the wisdom teeth (four), I paid to be knocked out on that.  So they put in an IV and then I woke up the nurse was trying to put my glasses on my face.  It was interesting, both times I had surgery that was the worst part of it, the nurse trying to put my glasses on and stabbing me in the eye.  Just hand them to me and let me put them on.  

Then I found a nice Asian Dentist I'll call Dr Wong.  

He had to do a horrible thing to my gums that is probably the worst pain I've ever had in my life.  He numbed me up for it but when it wore off...remarkable pain levels I remember that 30 years later.  I had better results using a now-banned gum care toothpaste.  He did fillings mainly.  Those fillings are still 100%.  And some gum work he was very worried about my gums.  

Then I moved.  I remember he did one more filling before I left as I had a soft spot on one molar and he was worried I might lose my dental coverage after I moved.  I had to change careers 6 weeks later so I was glad he did!  

Nothing but 5 stars for him.  

When you're self employed it is very difficult to get insurance.  At least it was with what we made.  Remember Ron basically kept all the money and gave me a small allowance he called "your pay".

So we found Dr Steve.  He did an OK job on one bad cavity I had on molar #2 (more on that later).  Ron's mouth was a mess.  He had teeth snap in half, etc.  I felt Ron wasn't getting good care but the dentist was nice and talked a lot.  

Then I had #18 break.  I knew I needed a filling and had been putting it off, I was eating pan bread at an Indian Restaurant and felt a crunch.  The crunch is always bad.  He put a "big old filling".  

Apparently I was grinding my teeth a lot as the filling only lasted several months, I woke up in blinding pain and most of #18 gone.  He said he had to pull it (he gave a big sigh) or do a root canal.  I opted for the root canal.  Back then we had the money.  It was about $1,200.  

The root canal came off (snapped off at the root) in August of 2021 and it has a little tuft of something sticking up.  I play with it when I'm stressed, push my tongue into it.  

I was eating taffy (!!! not smart!!!) at the bus stop waiting on the Crazy Train when the filling in #2 comes right out.  It's a huge hole there.  

I don't know if I can save it or not.  

I need to get off my butt and call the dental insurance company for the card.  

Saturday, October 19, 2024

It's taken me a long time to admit I had a very bad dentist

 For instance, I chipped a tooth, a back molar.  I know enough about dentistry you have to do a filling on that ASAP.  He did not, let it go until it required a large filling.  Which has since fallen out and is causing spectacular pain levels.  It's bad enough I am looking at a probable crown or root canal, and the one root canal I had was so horrible, expensive, and painful I am going to just have it pulled, and I hate having teeth pulled.  

I did find the Advil and took some.  Oh this is not fun.  

Bible Handout!

 It dawned on me recently the weather was nice enough for a Handout. (I'm not "supposed to get overheated" it is "bad").

Today I went out to De Soto and Antoine. It is a pretty notorious area I will put up a link. While I was working, in fact, a fire truck and ambulance were dispatched to the apartments behind the Friendly Mart. I don't know the ending on that.
I loaded up with 25 each English and Spanish. I decided to bring a mix of Spanish and the KJV English. You have not seen excitement for a Bible like the looks I get when they see a King James in my hand, in the ghetto. So that's what I do.
I'm not going to get into doctrinal issues the only right Bible is the one you are reading!
I had my cart. I got out to the bus stop. The bus pulled up and the first words out of the driver 'I want one". So that was #1 and 2 (he wanted a Spanish also).
I gave a guy on the bus a Bible as well he kept talking about "words have power" and got super excited when I put the Bible in his hands. I felt a little sorry leaving him for the driver to deal with, after that!
I had a lot of young 20's by themselves in a car each took two. I had a lady from a recovery house wanted (and got) 8. I had a very indignant older Latina who insisted she wanted an English Bible. I had a lot of carloads of Latinos got a Bible each for the whole family.
All the while, I was plagued with a bee! It was a honey bee. If you knew me as a kid I am terrified of bees, wasps, hornets. I would scream and run at best. But I am also very stubborn I think I can thank my Dad for that. So I kept working.
The bee and I had an *understanding* until she sat on my shoulder when I raised my arm up to wave at cars, trapping the bee between my shoulder and ear! BZZZ! BZZZ! She yelled. I screamed and dropped my arm. Some guy laughed at me.
Later on, across the street, at the Northbound bus stop, I saw a trash can full of half drunk cans of beer, energy drinks, and cans of soda. The trash can was swarming with bees.
One older, very classy lady pulled up in her car and rolled down the window, waved me over "You don't have what I want" she said confidently..
"What's that?"
"A King James...oooh look at that! Two please!"
I laughed and said "I know my people, I'm going to take care of you!" (Sponsors, please send more KJV anythings!)
I got over to the other bus stop by the "action". I don't know what the young men are doing. I make it a point not to notice them and they don't notice me. The air was thick with the smell of weed and the floor of the bus stop was sticky.
There was a lady there on a walker, when the bus came the driver had 3 other people in walkers, plus her, no way I would fit. "But while I have you in my sights..." I said and gave him a small New Testament. He laughed, closed the door, and drove off.
While I was waiting a lady drove by, saw the sign on my cart, got off THERE and asked me for a Bible which of course I gave her.
My last driver did not want a Bible but did take a cold bottle of water. "What you've done to the least of these you do unto Me". On our way back up Antoine traffic stopped for someone's escaped peahen (she did not have the big tail so I'm assuming a girl peacock). That took a few minutes and then I'm home!
Once I got on the last bus a Latina lady waved me over and asked "what are you" I said "Presbyterian" which seemed to please her and then I offered her choice of 2 Spanish Bibles. She took the blue, easier to read, version and got so dug into it she almost missed her stop!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for the recipients!

Very early Saturday

 First things first, when I got home the chicken looked like this: 

The way I was raised to cook food was not seasoned.  Ron was horrified.  So I learned to season.  

Me before work: 

I call this "Elf Hair".  If you've ever watched the Lord of the Rings movies the elves all have their hair pulled back on top and loose at the back, over their shoulders.  Dad immediately got what I was saying.  So that's "Elf Hair" on me when I talk about it you'll know now.  

Me at work: 

The boss was fine with the skort.  

My friend said I "looked great and should wear the skort on Monday, but for God's sake wear lipstick!"  I love my friends.  

Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday morning

 When I've been attacked it's always been a young black man.  

I believe the devil does that because that's my demographic for Bible Handouts.  I don't hate.  

So yesterday I was riding to work and the young black man in the wheelchair, with a helmet, gets on.  He likes to ride endless loops on the route to occupy himself.  

I had my earbuds in.  

He kept trying to get my attention and I kept ignoring him.  He reached across the aisle (he had to do this intentionally) and put his hand a couple inches over my knee.  I reacted about how you'd expect, I threw his hand off and screamed "What are you doing?"  

"Oh" he mumbles "Do you have some lotion?"  


I put the earbuds back in and moved where he couldn't touch me again.  The driver was laughing.  WTF?!?!  

Not mad at the driver, she got a compliment actually.  

Now onto work: I had bought some clearance shoes at work.  I brought them to to work and thought I had better bring my "good" "old' shoes.  I made a mistake, though, and brought the "other" new pair of shoes.  My feet were so bad I was nearly sobbing by the time I got to lunch.  I changed my shoes and I could finish my shift but I am never, ever, wearing those shoes to work again.  

On a side note they were fine for the grocery store last week so I may just save them for that sort of thing.  Taking out the trash, etc.

One of the Middle Eastern ladies at work was admiring my cell phone holder and begged me to make her a water bottle holder.  I said "Go to Fabrics (our craft department) and pick something out, buy it and I'll make it for you"  She was thrilled, ran right out, and got two.  So I'll make that up today.  

She is a nice lady.  I may also talk her into making me some pan bread or samosa.  

Shower time.  

Thursday, October 17, 2024

On my break

 I think I got all the veggies I need.  

I got some Summer squash, purple cabbage, greens, celery, onion, red bell pepper, various mixed frozen veggies.  That is going to be a very good soup.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Parts of my day were very unusual

 Ride to work was pretty uneventful; the 6:30 bus (my second ride to work) was a little late so I caught her.  One of her regulars fell asleep on the bus and she shouted at him when she got to the stop, woke him up so he could go to work.  I was impressed enough I called in a compliment when I got off.  

Work was good, but very very odd.  I can't say much else.  My boss looks exhausted.  One of the Team Leads at work is very ill and nearly died, things are moving on without him of course (a corporation doesn't need you, ever).  Another team lead, one I like - (why?  Well he is a hard worker, kind manager, never gets angry, and I find him very appealing - there is just something about a guy with a close cropped beard!), confided he is getting ready to leave the store.  I gave him my number - he took it and called me so I could put his number in my phone book (!!).  

I told you it was a different day.  I am putting myself out there.  I have given my number to 3 guys in a week; or they have given me theirs, depending on how you look at it.  I don't plan to do anything extreme but it is nice to know they want contact.  

Anyway we were having a hushed conversation about his departure and I said something along the lines of "They don't need you - this place is a meat grinder" YES he replied.  "Look what happened" I said "To (the guy who almost died).  Just like my husband, he gave his life to his company and they replaced him in 2 days".  "Exactly" he replied "You've got to have balance" I continued "Time with people you love, that's the only thing that's important".  Someone came along so we stopped talking.  

I guess I can say this customers were misbehaving all day.  My boss was actually very sweet for her which was different.  

I got out of there at 4 and caught the early bus.  Don't know how I did that to be honest, most Wednesdays I'm stuck out there 40 minutes.  I went by the grocery store on the way home.  

I caught a different driver from the grocery store to the house and I had the "snack" for her.  She was thrilled to see it.  "You did something with your hair!' she cried "Let me SEE it!"  So I took out the elastic and shook out my ponytail, she loved it.  She was particularly thrilled I was interested in "a" bus driver and that he had said he liked it (he has, more than once).  It was a long walk home but I mainly had vegetables and a little fruit.  

I got a lot of frozen veggies, and some fresh, to make a big chicken and veggie soup this weekend.  Milk for Biscuit who was ecstatic.  A can of refried beans and some ready to eat cornbread from the bakery (they had a nice slice about 4 inches square for $1  Maybe 5 inches?).  

Biscuit's girlfriend (my friend at work) has been encouraging me to eat more fruits and vegetables so I thought I could bring her a nice banana and some of those little easy peel oranges.  

That's it for now.  

Very early Wednesday

 Last night at the transit center I was very tired and my feet hurt.  A homeless looking guy with a bike moved so I could sit down, we chatted a little bit.  If I believe him he got into drugs when his pregnant wife was killed in a drunk driving accident.  He didn't ask for money and was very polite and respectful.  We talked about pets mainly, he "stole" someone's neglected/abused dog from a drug house and that thing is his baby, much like me and Biscuit.  

Biscuit got on me this morning, purring, let me pet him.  I think he is unusual in that he is "unlimited pets wherever you want" on his body.  Spotty is very fussy only his head and shoulders, only for a little while.  Cleo only if I am lying in bed and she gets on me.  But Biscuit is any pet, any time, anywhere, for however long I want.  He's a good boy.  

One of my Metrolift drivers said Biscuit was "sexy" and oddly enough it does apply even though he's a flabby old thing.  

And I always remember Frosty and Veronica, a very nice driver with a huge birthmark on her face.  He adored her and would roll on her feet, come running when he saw/smelled her, etc.  I always told her I wanted her to take him if something ever happened to us.  I have never minded if my cats had other friends. 

Work today.  My bosses (2 of them) said I could wear a skort to work the micromanaging one's head exploded when I asked.  I explained I am a "nice" middle aged Presbyterian evangelist I'm not going to wear something "wrong" (I didn't use the word but "slutty"), indicated the hem length on my leg (right above knee) they consulted and said that would be fine, and I reminded them it is a skort so it has a pair of shorts under the skirt as well.  I didn't tell them this but I wore it in front of my parents on a couple of occasions with no issues.  And if an 83 year old man doesn't have an issue I don't think they will.  

So that will be fun.  

Yesterday I wore a flowy romantic lace blouse, the kind with the ruffled cuffs and neckline.  It was a big hit with my coworkers, I got several compliments.   I could work in it very well but it wasn't cotton and didn't breathe as nicely as I would have liked.  

I also got my annual gourds.  I like to get the little pack of assorted small gourds and display them around the house.  I have them around my computer.  They are, to me, worth the $3.  They had some nice gourds at the pumpkin patch in CA but TX is a huge agricultural state and I didn't think it was "right" to bring them even if TSA would have let me (doubtful).  So I have Texas gourds.  

I'm going to take my shower.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I saw Buddy again

 The drivers area has it's own individual climate control; but one notable thing about Buddy's bus it's very loud.  So he turned it off about halfway to the transit center so we could talk, and was asking me questions.  He told me he had a Vietnamese sandwich not far from where I live, it was very good, and he planned on going back.  All this driving along in traffic with no air (for him) sitting in the sun on a 100 degree day.  

Hm.  I likely won't see him until next Monday.  

Chet (what I am going to call the Crazy Train morning bus driver) said he really enjoyed the beef burgundy and was asking me a lot of questions today, very big change of pace for him.  

My friend got me a good deal on some $3 pants.  I have them in the washer (washer isn't too happy but still working).  Hopefully I can get them done before work tomorrow but worst case I will have them Thursday. 

I'm tired and going to bed early!   

An interesting morning

 Yesterday I gave 2 drivers a meal.  One, a man, not Buddy.  He is a nice looking guy about my age, trim (!), very quiet. But today he was asking me a lot of questions about myself and saying, repeatedly, how the food was so delicious.  Who knows?  I need to find out if he likes cats.  

And cats.  Spotty gave me a heart attack.  I went outside to take out the trash and I found Spotty laying in the street.  

I screamed and ran to him, he jumped up and ran away.  He was fine JUST AN IDIOT ORANGE BOY    I gave him a good scolding.  Over 20 years in that house and I 've never had such an idiot!  Ahh!  Blood pressure going up just thinking about it!  

Someone gave me a cash gift and told me to buy myself the graphic T-shirt I had been talking about "NOPE Not Going To Happen". Perfect for riding the bus!  

Monday, October 14, 2024

Taking chances

 "Would you like some green chili stew?"I asked a driver today.  He is a nice guy about my age.  "I hate cooking for just myself so I made extra". He was thrilled.  

I also brought some beef burgundy for C, a very nice male coworker who is a hard worker, loves cats, and an Army vet.  

I also brought some beef burgundy for my first driver, who recently lost her Mom. 

Nothing for Buddy.  He set a boundary "Don't bring me food" and I am going to respect that.  

Wow wow! A good night sleep and I woke up early with energy!

 For me sleeplessness is a Hallmark of a mania or a depression so this must be "normal".  

I got up and made sauce for my beef burgundy, out of the crock pot juices.  It turned out very well.  I just did the cornstarch trick.  Put some cold water in a glass pyrex in the freezer for about 15 minutes, put the juices in my tiny sauce pan, put 2 T cornstarch in the water and whisked well, got the juices up to boil, added the cornstarch slowly, let thicken for a few minutes while stirring.  

Then I cooked up some pasta for it.  I plan to get whole wheat pasta today though that will be much heartier.  

I ate some of the pasta with salt and olive oil only.  

Then I took out some of the green chili stew juices (not a whole lot there) and used them with some seasoning to make green chili rice.  That is still cooking.  

#6 is going to work now, it's 4:30.  Sucks to be him!  

Then I washed my little plastic containers, I had bought new ones.  Those can dry while I'm taking my shower and the rice finishes up (it's in a rice cooker so I can).  

Shower time.  I'm going to wash my hair with conditioner rather than shampoo - it works, I want to give the henna the maximum time.  I will shampoo it tomorrow.  

It's going to be a high of 97 today so I'm really glad I did my cooking now.  

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sauce or gravy?

 I don't believe in keeping secrets.  But, I will, tonight.  

I did a LOT of cooking today, a package of sausage, 4 chicken thighs, 2 and a half pounds of pork chops (still in my big crock pot), 2 pounds of beef shank in the small crock pot.  And 2 pounds of pasta.  

Cooking up the chicken the pan drippings looked so good I tried my hand at a cornstarch gravy, that turned out very well.  I made another gravy with the pan drippings from the sausage later.  I am very very happy.  

For some reason I don't have trouble making a cornstarch sauce/gravy.  But I am going to refer to them as "sauces made with cornstarch" when I talk to my Dad because he is a gravy fiend.  I guess I inherited that although I am a brown gravy woman.  Dad isn't picky.  

I haven't made a gravy in a good 20 years.  But I still have it.  My trick I put the water in the freezer for a little bit before I hit it with the cornstarch, then pour it in the skillet after I mix it.  

That's it for now, I'm going to take a little nap.  

A trip to the store

 So I went to the grocery store; pretty busy actually at 9 am.  

I couldn't find boneless skinless chicken thighs but I can pivot, I went and was looking at pork chops.  "So High!" I thought, like all my customers say.  Every now and then I find a huge (as in pounds of meat) tray of bone in pork chops for very cheap.  I spotted one and whisked it into my cart.  

The only punch line on these they need to be cooked today but I can do that.  Five pounds!  Five dollars for the whole thing!   Thank you JESUS!  

I love being a Christian I have NO issue with pork.  I love eating it, in fact.  I could and have eat(en) pork every day.  

I got some fruit but did not get any frozen mixed vegetables which I had planned to get.  I love frozen mixed veggies, that I can also eat every day.  Just a nuke a big old bowl in the microwave with a little butter and salt, if I'm feeling creative maybe a little seasoning.  

I also found some beef shank (not cheap) but pulled the trigger on it as I have been wanting beef in red wine sauce.  Red wine, onions, garlic, pepper, a little salt.  I forgot to buy beef stock so I used 3/4 cup red wine instead of the usual half cup.  I did something different today.  

I am blessed enough to have 2 crock pots, a large one and a small one.  I did the beef in the small one, with a liner.  I added seasoning and garlic in between the 2 slices of beef shank I feel that will contribute more flavor.  

Since I had all these nice bone in pork chops (I love them for crock pot not so crazy about the skillet although I will be making some in the skillet later with a pan gravy), I made green chili stew in the large pot  Again, I did not have stock but I used water.  I put all the seasonings in a bowl and sprinkled it on the pork chops as I layered them in the crock pot with whole garlic cloves and diced, roasted, green chilis.  

Crock pots use very little wattage so they can hang out by the southwest kitchen outlet together.  I need to cook up the chicken thighs (going in pasta with sausage) and the pork chops but that's it.  I have tons of food for the week, a variety, unlike the one thing I usually cook and end up sick of after the third day in a row.  

I got the driver a snack he was very happy to see that.  One driver on the route (not Buddy) has commented "There's no good food at either end of the route".  

I need to do up my pills.  

Early Sunday

 I had a little bit of a headache creeping in last night so I tried out a theory.  Hairbrush (I use the stiff plastic bristles, the cheap ones).  1 drop patchouli oil on hairbrush.  1 drop lavender oil on hair brush.  Brush hair seriously.  While I had a small headache it wasn't bad.  

And when I woke up today WOW.  

I feel I did a good job on the roots!  

Off to the store!  

Saturday, October 12, 2024

I found this very interesting.

 Not this: I have found I am a vain bitch and will do my hair every 3 weeks in spite of the fact I get terrible migraines from the henna and last time vomited in my bucket for an hour after I applied it.  

Today I did 2 things different: I did not put lemon juice in the mix (just a half cup apple cider vinegar and a cup of water, 5 ounces powder), and I also remembered the patchouli oil.  Henna has a very strong, heavy, pervasive, grassy aroma.  I find it "gets in my head" and makes it pound.  

But I'm vain enough the compliments are worth it.  

Last month I had bought a small bottle of patchouli essential oil and thought maybe that would help, if I could put a drop in the paste and mix it "real well" before I applied it.  I was halfway through my application henna up to my elbows when I remembered.  So I finished, wrapped my head in plastic.  

I am getting much better at wrapping my head.  

I put on the two shower caps, one in the front, one in the back, after I did the hairline with some petroleum jelly so the henna wouldn't stain.  And I put a drop of patchouli oil at the bottom of my throat at the collarbone.  

And I did not have a headache.  The patchouli was nice and pleasant, I did not smell the henna much.  I am glad I have a whole bottle of the patchouli!  

It always takes a while to rinse it out, about 25 minutes or so.  Not necessarily a good thing in a drought area (I did live in CA 15 years) but fine for Houston.  I like to use the Garnier Whole Blends Cocoa Butter conditioner after I'm done.  I apply it, put my hair up in a clip, washed my body, rinsed it out.  

I don't understand the biology enough, but henna, while very conditioning long term, makes my hair very coarse and dry for the first day or so.  Or at least it has when I used the lemon juice.  We will see when it dries.  It feels pretty soft now.  

I have decided I like to do the henna every 3 weeks.  I don't think it's too long because a lot of ladies with braids at work spend hours in the chair every month or so.  

Biscuit was in my bed, on the pillow, didn't want to share but I was "mean", moved him, took a nap.  

That's it for now!  

Getting ready to do the henna


Now showing; Roots!  

Friday, October 11, 2024

I am the first to say I am 100% clueless about this stuff

 I have been friends with a male co worker for a while.  He likes cats, doesn't have one, but enjoys a cat photo now and then so I will text him and he texts me back something along the lines of "How cute" or "What a nice boy".  

Yesterday I was taking my last break when he came in the break room and said "Oh, Heather!" with delight.  "I need a hug!"  

I laughed and said "People will talk" (me hugging him in front of the whole break room, but to our credit we are both single), got up anyway, and gave him a "good' hug.  He went off to heat up his lunch and then brought it to my table to eat.  We have about a dozen tables.  We chatted a few minutes and I went back.  

Does he like me?  I don't know.  He is about my age, single, has a good work history.  Unlike a lot of my male coworkers he actually does his job.  

There are 2 married (not to each other) team leads who are well known as a couple but they are giving corporate what they want.  There is a female team lead "maneater" "shark' type who wrecked my friend's relationship.  She wouldn't leave him alone and he wouldn't tell her he wasn't interested.  So a lot of fault to share but my friend was really broken up about it so I don't like that woman!  

I went back to work and told my friend I don't know if the guy likes me or not?!  He is a nice enough friend and I respect that.  He has always been appropriate, respectful, and kind.  I don't know.  Baffled.  This is one thing I think the Fetal Alcohol affects me.  

Mom and Dad have made it REALLY clear they don't want to hear anything about my love life until I have a presentable husband prospect.  I know they would feel better if I remarried, money issues for 1.  Someone to keep an eye on me #2.  

And my aunt is super busy so I am left blogging to figure it out.  

I think I will find out if he has any food allergies and maybe cook him something.  That should be safe enough assuming I don't get him sick!  

On another note my friend who does clearance brought me some work shoes.  So I will have something decent to wear today.  

I average about 60 miles a week on my feet and the running crowd always says to change your shoes every 300 miles or so; I always need new shoes and let me tell you my feet start screaming at me when I get up around 250 miles or so.  

Last night I bought a $4 bottle, 100 tablets of magnesium, out of desperation.  I know magnesium deficiency can cause migraines and I was desperate.  I have not talked about the severity of the headaches but they have been bad, bad, bad the last month or two.  Some of that has been hormonal, weather issues, space weather (it's a real factor for me), stupid food choices, etc.  

So last night I took 2 tablets before I went to bed.  I woke up a couple times as I do and did not have the customary headache.  I woke up around 3 and I had a mild one.  So I took my herbal supplements (they do help), a magnesium tablet, and 2 Excedrin.  

I never wonder why I get an upset stomach sometimes!  

And it worked.  So I'm going to keep that up.  And these are just the cheap magnesium oxide ones.  

That's it for now!  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

You know I'm sick when I don't want to blog

 I spent most of the week sleepless and worried about my sister.  As I've said I don't have full blood siblings but I've decided to count all of them.  

I was also battling a migraine all night part of which may have been the "free" microwaved popcorn in the break room at work and I think a fair amount that solar flare (a concept difficult to explain to most of the people I know in real life).  

At any rate I had a nice vomiting session in the bathroom sink after my shower this morning.  I laid back down for a while.  

For some reason I had it in my head I could leave at 10 for my 11::30 clock in today.  As it worked out I barely made it.  

"You always leave early" chided one driver and he's right.  I just wasn't thinking.  So I had to call the one boss today from the transit center, a toddler screaming nearby, to explain I might be a little late but I would be there.  

A coworker called later offering a ride which I thought incredibly sweet.  By then I was almost there.  

I can't say much about what I do but they are always happy to see me.  

I answered the call on the bus and explained, yes, I would be late, it was "100% my fault" and I was sorry.  I had a driver I'll call Chet.  He's a nice older black guy, chattier than most drivers, a very nice man.  When I hung up he asked me when I was due to start.  I told him, 11:30 but I understood I wouldn't make it, that was OK, it was (again) "100% my fault I wasn't thinking".  

"Oh" he replied "You'll make it" and he floored the accelerator!  [laughing]  Sure enough, I made it.  I would love to call in a compliment but I suspect it would bring him trouble, so I won't.  

I did have a small moral dilemma.  I wanted to buy a cold drink before work but I always do that "off the clock".  So I did that and I still clocked in on time.  

Walmart considers anything up to 9 minutes late "acceptable" and does not penalize.  I had 3 minutes to spare when I "punched".  My workload, coworkers, bosses were all fine but I was in hell most of the day.  I only started to feel better about an hour ago.  

Ace got me and I'm home.  Going to bed.  

I am eating a spicy Indian TV dinner.  Hopefully not a bad call coming off a migraine but capsaicin is supposed to be good for pain.  

My day has been fine

 But this migraine has been hideous.  Up all night worrying my head killing me.  

I messed up and left the house very late.  More on that later.  

Hideous migraine all day working.  But I'm working.  

My sister is OK she did text me.  

Worried sick about siblings the last couple weeks; hurricanes!

 But everyone is OK!  

Somehow I found myself listening to The Thank You Song even before I knew she was OK.  

I was thinking last night I had not been that worried about anyone since the day Ron had his first seizure!!  

(The day Ron died I knew from the start he was gone I was more worried about myself).  

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I had a nice first trip

 With a driver I'll call Lady.  She has had the route for a while.  

Topics of conversation: Another Bible Handout?  Gossip about the cats.  Homeless person setting up shop at my bus stop.  

I am NOT HAPPY about the last but there's not much I can do about it.  The person is apparently "marking" the territory much like a stray animal, by leaving a tote full of junk with a half eaten loaf of bread, a Tyler Perry DVD, etc.  If I had a car I'd throw the tote in the trunk and then a dumpster.  Houston has an ABUNDANCE of shelters and "housing first" programs so I don't feel bad.  

I wait in an area that is not ideal for personal safety.  I have just been focusing on the road but I feel like I need to watch my back and sides, now, too.  

Yes, I know I should have been, anyway.  

At least the transit center is better lit now.

That's it for now.  

Wednesday morning thoughts

I try to be careful what I write about my parents these days.   Suffice to say they are worried sick about the family in Florida right now.  So I am I.  

So I had that at play plus all the brain scramble if having Buddy's # in my phone book.  There's actually a big leap of trust in giving your number to anyone - be it a coworker "I need to go to lunch" or a friend "You're not going to call me in the middle of the night" (I don't keep my phone on generally at night but I will the next night or two, I think, for family in harm's way).  "You're not a stalker"  "You're not going to send me 10000 texts"  etc.  Even down to "You're not going to put my number online".  

So I was careful to respect that and ONLY sent the photo of the bread with no caption.  I mean, who else is going to send him a photo of a half eaten loaf of sourdough bread?  

Mostly eaten, if I'm honest.  

It is very good bread, you should try it if you can.  

He asked if I could get it online and I said I plan to keep it as my "vacation treat".  That I ate a whole loaf (yes I said that before he gave his number) in a week already and that is plenty for a year.  

So, thinking about a lot, PLUS I had my adorable cats in my bed too, I didn't sleep much.  I kept waking up, the cats were there, I would pet and kiss them (yes I did).  

I am mildly curious what turned the tide for him - going from throwing out my number just a month? ago to giving me his yesterday.  I think it was a couple of things.  He may have missed me.  

Family is obviously important for him, and the fact I spent my vacation eating leftovers, a TV dinner, and a food truck while spending my week off with family.  The fact I spent a fair amount of time visiting a sick old man, no relation, in the hospital.  Who knows?  

I was laughing about TSA taking my jar of brisket rub and Hobby airport getting an attitude with me over my loaf of bread and presented it as something funny, not angry.  

I had planned to do my hair last weekend but the henna can flip a migraine and I couldn't face another one.  So I had roots going if he looked.  It wasn't that.  

But I think I answered the "Sweet vs Spicy" argument because I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail and no makeup.  Admittedly I let it dry, down, after using volumizing conditioner, so it was a fuller ponytail.  I was wearing decent-fitting (not tight or baggy) straight leg medium blue jeans and a baggy teal performance t shirt, carrying my purple backpack and wearing one of my older, crocheted multicolored cell phone holders.  

So definitely more of a "sweet" look I think.  

Who knows?  I won't see him today, it's his off day and if he volunteered for another route who knows where he'll go.  

He is not "strict" with the passengers like some drivers but they respect him and generally behave when he's driving.  One reason I don't like riding home on a Wednesday, the Wednesday guy is nice enough but it's a zoo.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

He gave me his number!

 I did not ask!  He was driving and I didn't say much when I got on except hi.  

He asked where I'd been so I told him.  I told him about Hobby airport giving me a hard time over the bread.  

Later on he asked what it looked like and I pulled up a photo on my phone and read the label.  "Send me a picture" he said.  I was standing nearby due to a crazy man jabbering in the back.  "Here's my number.". 

So I did.  Just the photo.  

It's on him now.  

My head is about to explode.  

I wrestled with an issue last night

 Which I will not share due to pest issues.  Sad thing even if she was gone there's probably some other freak reading who might try to "help".  

I do prefer to fight my own battles.  

At any rate, and unrelated, my boss was not here today.  A vendor commented how "relaxed" we all seemed which I found sad.  However Day Snitch is here so I have been careful. 

Not going to talk about that, either.  

Damn it sucks.  Remember the good old days when I could talk about anything without worrying how it could be used on me?  

It is going to be in the 50's tomorrow morning so I will need to get out my winter bedding and have a look at my coats.  

And I have at least 4 family members in the "severe damage" area for the hurricane.  They could use prayer.  

That's it for now!  

Monday, October 7, 2024

Just when I think I'll never see him again

 I had to take care of something after work which I knew would make me late for my usual bus.  But I haven't seen Buddy in weeks.

It doesn't really matter when I get home as long as it's light out, ideally.  So I was fine catching a later bus.  

Sure enough, I was on the wrong side of a very busy street when my usual bus came.  I tried to get a look at the driver but only got enough profile to tell it was a man, race unknown, with a fuller beard than Buddy.  

I missed it of course.  I would never expect to hold up an entire bus.  One time a driver - a nice older man - *did* wait but it is *extremely*  uncommon.  And this bus runs often enough.  

So I waited and caught the next bus which overtook the first bus.  The "usual" bus was pulling up behind mine as I got off.  

I don't know what made me turn my head as I passed but lo and behold, guess who?  I don't know if he saw me.  I waved as I passed and kept going.  

But like the title says, every time I give up guess who? 

He does presumably have my number if he didn't toss it.  So he would call if he missed me.

It's been a crazy Monday

 One news story reminded me of one of Ron's "bunkmates" in ICU.  A gas tanker is hanging off an overpass in NE Houston.  The hurricane is now a Cat 5.  

The one boss is off so it hasn't been awful, but poor management meant I had to take my lunch late.  

My gut has been acting up not sure what that's about.  I can't remember what I ate yesterday but I'm sure it was tame.  

That's it for now!  

I just heard something very interesting on the news

 The derecho storm we had back in May was basically a Category 2 hurricane, just 1 hour long.  Very interesting.  

Now it is my sister's turn with a hurricane this week.  Please pray if you feel led.  

The sister in a cult was/will be in between both storms.  

I don't have any full siblings just half and step but I count them all as family now.  

I am sure the one is scrambling right now.  

The ride to work was pretty uneventful.  A lot of people apparently don't see the need to pay.  Interestingly enough Metro bus has been giving me free rides lately on my card.  

Of note I read an article about a Detroit bus driver who ran over one passenger some years back, still working with the company ran over a pedestrian and killed her recently.  When sentencing the driver the judge commented the driver had been allowed to retire with a pension!  

What, is it 3 dead and you're out?!

It makes what happened to Ron (driver not charged) a little more understandable.  

That's it for now!  

Sunday, October 6, 2024

I hate seeing myself as delicate.

 Hate it, hate it, hate it.  Ron called me "sickly" sometimes (before HE got sick ha ha) because he knew it pushed my button.  I lived in a mold infested apartment with an alcoholic abuser.  Of course I was sick a lot!  

Anyway I was fine on vacation except for some of my usual headaches.  I get home, massive migraine, now digestive issues.  Ugh.  I'm glad I'm at home today.  

Hopefully this all resolves before tomorrow.  It also begs the question, what the HECK do I eat today?  

Saturday, October 5, 2024

OK time for some disaster prep tips

 I talked a lot about This thing already but I love it; a power bank, good to charge my phone at least 5 times.  It's on sale at Amazon right now for about $24 plus tax and shipping if you don't have Prime.  

I got one with my gift card (from parents, for my birthday).   I also got some wireless ear buds for the bus but that's another topic.  

Anyway, while at my parents.  Hm.  How to say this and keep the commandment to honor parents?  They don't believe in prepping.  At all.  Have forbidden me from sending/buying extra food in fact.  

But as you know by now I drink a LOT of diet soda, while there about 2 liters a day.  I bought them, or they did.  I would drink them up (they didn't seem to worry about it, I was on vacation), rinse them out, fill them with tap water, and store them in the pantry.  

I would say 95% odds Mom and Dad poured them out after I left.  But I tried.  Anyway, I think it's a good trick, I do it at home.  

So you can do that even if you can't find bottled water.  There's always soda, in my experience with several hurricanes coming to Houston.  So buy some 2 liters, drink them up, rinse and store.  2 liters can get you a long way.  It's better than drinking out of the toilet tank.  

Pet food.  Please, be the person who has extra on hand.  Even if the storm goes the other way or disaster never comes to you in other parts of the country, your pet will eat the food, and a lot of that stuff is good for a year or two.  Don't forget water for your pets, I was a little taken aback during the ice storm of 2021 when I had 5 cats, how much water they drank.  Litter too, pee pads, whatever it is they utilize.  Make sure you have vet and vax records at hand if you have to go to a shelter.  

Fema has the website I think.  Yes, they still have it.  

Make sure you store food you LIKE to eat.  For me, I found the freeze dried food caused a lot of cramping and digestive misery.  I do better with a plain cup of noodles.  Ron liked things like spaghettios.  I'd suggest, if possible, getting stuff you know you like, ahead of time.  Now is NOT the time to experiment with a new flavor or brand.  Get the tried and true.  

Also remember some foods make you thirsty, like peanut butter, crackers, chips.  If you get thirsty foods make sure you have extra water.  Juice I wouldn't get unless you have a small juice box type thing because it ferments really fast (I found that out with Ron, when he first came home after the accident all he would drink is cranberry juice, if I put more than a few ounces in his bottle it would ferment in a few hours).  

If you have kids comfort foods they like whatever that is - goldfish or whatever, just make sure you have plenty of water.  

One thing I have on hand for disasters, it may be a little out of the box, is no rinse body bath.  You put a squirt in a quart or two of water and you can sponge clean without rinsing.  I used it on Ron, it kept him nice and fresh.  Let me get a link for that, too.  No Rinse Body Wash  Good stuff.  All you need is a small bucket (can buy at Walmart) and a few washcloths.  Because I'm a woman and there is nothing worse than no water available.  You can use some of that 2 liter bottle water and put that in the bucket (wink) to freshen up with the wash.  Thank me later if I ever turn comments back on.  

Oh, caffeine!  If you drink coffee or caffeine regularly think about that.  You can get no-doz tablets or caffeinated instant drink (look for "energy" on the label) mix packets to keep you going.  I know I have some.  

That's it for now.  God bless.