Friday, October 4, 2024

It hasn't been a bad day

 But I am pretty weak and dizzy.  I will be glad to get home and go to bed. 

Just a couple more hours when I get back from lunch.  

Friday morning

 I don't worry about my parents when I go visit them because they are interdependent on each other and their friend group, one reason I spent half my vacation at a rehab hospital for my adoptive uncle.  

When I get home I look around at my life and I don't really have anyone to lean on.  Yesterday (and today) I had a vicious migraine.  I was literally flat in bed when I was not vomiting in my bucket or running to the bathroom.  I had no one to take care of me, I had to make my own Gatorade (from powder I keep on hand), empty my bucket, etc.  

The cats were very supportive though they kept rubbing against me when I got sick, meowing at me, wanting pets.  Poor things.  

I am not vomiting today so I'm going to drag myself into work, it's only a 6 hour shift.  

But ugh.  

Thursday, October 3, 2024


 I had a pretty bad headache yesterday but I managed to work.  I wanted something salty on my break.  The Frito Lay guy had (I am really trying not to blame him, here, but I'm human)  not restocked the display.  All we had was Cheetos, hot chips, and Cool Ranch Doritos.  

You may remember I had migraine issues after this year's hurricane which I tracked to the Nacho Doritos but I thought "I will be OK".  

1 AM finds me vomiting in my bucket.  2 AM finds me turning on my phone and using the app to "call out" with the last of my sick time.  All day alternating sessions with the bucket.  

The boy cats were very concerned for a while.  It's been a rough day but there's no way I could have worked.  

I have Gatorade powder and I'm drinking that (made into solution of course).  I will eat something bland and safe when my appetite comes back.  

I have learned not to eat until that happens.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I have a little time before work

 This will be reverse order.  When I got home and Biscuit forgave me (took a while)

When I first got home, he stayed outside for a good half hour and Cleo didn't come in for hours.  When she did, though, she was very cuddly while Biscuit took apologies first.  
In Pheonix
Our store does not sell hard liquor of course, being in Texas, but in CA they just have big old bottles of vodka sitting out!  
I don't think this photo is very flattering but the setting is pretty.  
Boa Vista, aka "Apple Hill" an apple orchard in the hills above Sacramento.  They had a pumpkin patch, BBQ, and every kind of apple jam and jelly in the world, which I couldn't buy because I can't take it on the plane.  
My Texas friends were aghast at these prices.  
And of course I had to get my favorite sourdough bread.  

I am back!

 I have to work today but I will post after work with some photos.  

The cats were pretty funny but have forgiven me.  Spotty was the most upset I had left.