Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Handout

I'm sorry I haven't posted the last couple days.  The scripture booklets came Wednesday night and I had to put them in each of about 100 bags of candy.  That took a while. 

Yesterday, it poured.  As in "Washed my hair 4 times just getting in and out of the vehicle".  Even more discouraging, Ron swore the weatherman said the worst rain would come between 4-8 PM. 

"God's got this" I told him.  "You think He can't fix the weather?"  Ron muttered "Suffer the little children". 

We were also worried about the "pull" at work.  Periodically we take money out of the vending machines to pay me and buy supplies.  I get about $600 a month on average, less if sales are bad.  Ron was very worried he would not be able to pay me and muttered a lot about that, too. 

I reminded him of Jesus, the loaves and fishes.  I told him God could make the vending machines supply all our needs and then some. 

I mentally figured how much money I *had* to have and concluded, not much. I can live very cheaply. 

Sales have been very poor.  Ron hoped he could get $100 for me.  The machines just haven't been selling much in the new location. 

Today, however, I had to do some stocking so I was feeling a little more encouraged.  I opened them up and started taking out the money.  My eyes quickly bugged out as I found myself with far more than either of us expected. 

It was very good, considering, and actually better than our sales *had* been back at our former location.  But we didn't sell anything!  I have no idea how God did that but we have money for our taxes, my pay, and some more inventory. 

I just love seeing God work in my life. 

About 1 PM, the rain dried up.  The sun came out, and I crowed like a rooster all afternoon.  "See, I told you God could do it!" 

The kids were a lot of fun, they love the stuffed brown bear.  My friend killed him and had him stuffed, then sent him to us.  The kids love him.  Parents love to bring their kids by year after year. 

I didn't think much of it at the time, but I'm so glad the guys who robbed us didn't take the bear.  The kids would have been crushed.  It was so cute to see tiny little hands gently touching the claws and nose. 

The big kids loved him too, half of them looked like my recipients, no costume.  God sends them, I distribute, and I did with a big grin. 

One little kid tried to stab the bear with his plastic prop knife.  I was so glad he doesn't live nearby.  I think he has some *issues*. 

Torbie-cat came out to say hello to some "scary" older kids without costumes.  They loved her.  She just sat there like a princess and soaked up the compliments. [grin]

Then she went off to the bedroom. 

One mother told me "My daughter's been talking about your house all year."  I thought that was cool.  Parents clearly know I am handing out evangelism material and clearly OK with it. 

We ran out of candy at 8:45. 

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