Saturday, November 23, 2013

Calling migraine

I have a horrible headache today.  I got my meds down; didn't vomit, and can use the computer, so I'm not calling "migraine". 

Good news: property tax has gone down by hundreds from last year.  Let's hear it for falling property values.  My house has lost about a third of the value.  Lower value - lower taxes. 

Bad news, the cost of my crazy meds went up, but not horribly - 12%.  Ron gave me $6 and I squealed "Subsidy!" and kissed him.  He also bought me a bag of french fries. 

It looks like I will be doing my handout on Wednesday.  Ron, as of this point, says he doesn't want to come with me.  That may or may not change.  I'm not going to whine or nag.  I can strap the Bibles on my hand cart and take the bus. 

My budget is pretty shot (paid for Doc and 3 months x 4 prescriptions), but I'm not complaining.  The cats are good.  I was able to buy them some more treats.  I also bought some cheap store brand food for the stray cats I see sometimes. 

They will eat the food (someone does) I put out, but I can't afford to share good stuff, or even average stuff.  I can afford the $3 for a bag of bargain generic brand.  When I put it out Baby Girl was gobbling it so it must taste pretty good for cats. 

I've seen a cute calico kitten, and an adolescent black cat.  I'm happy to feed both of them, especially in such miserable cold weather.   I figure someone is keeping them as "outside cats" but they may not realize animals need more food in cold weather. 

At any rate, it won't hurt our relationship for them to eat food out of a bowl that smells like my hands. 

I also have some ideas running around for "Broken".  Jenny has another neighbor.  They have a complicated relationship.  I haven't written it yet. 

It's funny how these characters come in and "jack" my story. 

1 comment:

Heather Knits said...

I added 2 chapters tonight. :)