Saturday, November 2, 2013

Throwing rocks

When I am sick, I get paranoid.  I am convinced I am being monitored and tracked. 

Now, to some extent, I'm right.  I know that, sick or well, but the dial goes way up when I'm sick. 

For me, conspiracies are basically a symptom.  I imagine if you went to some prepper boards (see just now I flagged myself) or conspiracy theory boards, and asked people "Have you ever been told you need psychiatric medication?" a fair amount of them would say yes, because the delusion is part of the illness. 

I know, I have the illness.  No one knows crazy like another crazy person. 

Unfortunately, your responders would also say that medication is a scheme to oppress them and make them compliant.  To an extent, they might be right.  I tend to be pretty groggy on my medication, but to me, it's worth the price. 

You will never fathom, I pray, the demons I had in my head.  The joy when they left, the dread terror they might return. 

I decided, 7 years ago, I would endure anything to get well.  I have spent countless days queasy, I've gained weight, I've lost a lot of motivation, I've had hideous migraines, I've vomited, I'm a lot more boring, but it's been worth it.  If I could go back in time I'd just say "Go easy on the carbs". 

When I see people going on about FEMA camps and One World Government, it makes me sad.  Even if it is happening, what do you hope to change by talking about it?  You're just throwing rocks at a very angry monster, and most likely ending up on that list you are so worried about. 

Yes, certain things are prophesied in the Bible.  I suggest reading "Are We Living in the End Times?"  It's an excellent book on the subject. 

Outside of that, what can you do?  Build a compound?  "They" can take that out pretty easily.  Write a bunch of tirades against "Them" in your blog or on the message board?  You might very well draw unwanted attention. 

Let me tell you, if they want, "They" can make your life miserable.  I have a friend taking painkillers.  A lot of my friends do.  Maybe that's the only way they can stay my friends!  At any rate, one of them got "Flagged" in the FDA computer and had tremendous difficulties even getting the weak stuff, for her condition.  It took weeks to resolve and she suffered the whole time. 

"They" are probably backing your mortgage.  Let's look at the fun Ron and I had when we had to buy mandatory flood insurance, in a very short period of time, or lose our home. 

God help you if you have children.  You could be getting a lot of visits from CPS. 

I could continue, but you get the idea.  Even if you think "They" are out to get you, keep your mouth shut.  If anyone's ever said you  needed medication, go take it.  You might find yourself with a lot clearer thinking. 

But, please, don't throw rocks at the monster.  You make yourself a target. 

[at least this post won't get deleted!]

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