Saturday, July 31, 2010

Time Suck

Ron admitted he was envious when I told him about Sharon. The way things are going in the world, I'm pretty sure the Rapture will come "right quick" and we won't be in our bodies much longer anyway.

I also decided that a lot of my message board activities are a big "time suck" and some days, take away from my God Time and Ron time. Those relationships are important.

So, I plan to continue blogging as normal, but cut way back on the messageboards and facebook for a bit. I have had a couple of days recently where I had to skip my God Time due to internet.

I got up at about 8 this morning, finally felt like I slept WELL. I had lovely dreams, too. I had done my exercise bike later in the day and I think that helped, that I'd done it. I got up and did my weights - grrr. I did it all. I did it all so intensely I had attacks of the shakes. It was a great workout and I am seeing encouraging strength gains.

Now, I need to time my workouts so I can go donate platelets next week. Cancer patients and people like my Dad get the platelets, and I want to be donating. My veins, if they're going to get "better" thanks to my workouts, should be better by now. I'll have to find out.

I also plan to ask for the good guy. He did the best stick ever on me. He did not do me last time when I had all the troubles. I wished he had.

I had my protein shake after the workout and was glad I had. Our ride to go to Burger King was 2 hours late. The two drivers I had were just the nicest guys and good drivers, but awful navigators.

I got a couple of my Heatherburgers (double cheeseburger plain, add BBQ sauce and bacon, throw away the bread). They were good. I was hungry enough that I really wanted some fries, but I told myself "You can always have fries later, after the burger". I didn't.

We had planned to go to Starbucks but those 2 trips were so awful we cancelled. Maybe tomorrow.

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