Friday, July 30, 2010

Good Morning!

Monday I bought some new deodorant. Not a big deal, except this time it was scented.

A little known fact: often the first thing I hallucinate is a fragrance. Tuesday I kept freaking out when I would get a whiff of the deodorant. Oh, man. Poor me. It's pretty funny now. "What's that fragrance? I smell something?!"

Yesterday I got up pretty early, went to work. Ron's boss came by and gave us a favorable review. He's a good guy. I did up an inventory and called in a delivery; not bad considering I had such a horrible headache.

After work, we went downtown to the Metro store (the only one in town) and got Ron's annual pass. Boy, what a thankless job, working there. The candy bags were a big hit.

I have not been sleeping well, but I managed to catch a small nap on the way home. When we got home I went to bed early, but could only sleep a few hours. Once I woke up again it took me hours to fall back asleeep. AGH.

I am glad I have a bottle of Diet Mountain Dew. I need it. Our ride will be here in about an hour and fifteen minutes.

I was GOING to do the exercise bike this morning, but I am exhausted enough that I think it's a bad idea. We aren't at work forever, and then after work we are going to visit a friend of Ron's.

John was actually Ron's teacher in high school. He helped Ron by putting print stuff into braille and vice versa. He's a very nice man.

After we visit John we're coming home. Hopefully I can get another nap, then do the exercise bike when I get up.

Saturday, tomorrow, is another weight day. I am not happy with my weight right now, I may cut back severely on the dairy or eliminate it all together... at least for a while.

Sleeping better will help that; I am eating minimal amounts of peanuts too. [shrug] We'll see.

Anyway, I just wanted to say Good Morning before I head off into the shower.

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