Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tuesday morning

 I woke up in the middle of the night with a splitting headache, got up, took some Excedrin.  I think it was the Cheddar Bacon Tater skins I had.  I got online for a little bit and went back to bed.  I can always tell it was a bad headache if I can go back to sleep after the Excedrin.  

Other than that, it has been a good day.  Kindle is doing something odd with my books.  I have several Bible study and devotional things I like to read every day.  Sometimes Kindle won't let me find them.  That happened this morning.  I got most of it though.  Baby Girl got on the couch with me it was very cute.  So did Cleo, for a bit.  I have some very nice girls.  

I got online and printed up a couple of pay stubs.  My next paycheck will be more than I was anticipating.  I can actually cover all bills including electric.  That is nice.  The lawyer will be happy to get the pay stubs we had bank statements with the direct deposit but I think this is better.  At any rate cover all the bases.  

The magic number for me is 30 hours a week that is when the benefits happen, right now I am either around 30 or less.  But it has to average 30 for 3 months.  So we will see.  I don't think I'm letting any trade secrets here I try to respect my employer because they are giving me a living.  I also use sir and ma'am when talking to supervisors.  :)  

I took my shower, didn't need to shave because I did yesterday.  I poured some lye down the drain after my shower I try to do that once a month.  I also got a new hair catcher yesterday and put that in the drain, I take it out when I'm done and remove the hair (a lot!).  My hair is down about to my shoulders now.  So I shed a fair amount.  My hair is getting thicker now I think it was starting to get a little thin on top due to the stresses of caring for Ron and trying to run the business, then all the drama after he died.  Now things are a little more settled I think my hair looks better.  So I like to clean the drain.  One time about a month ago I fished a huge fist sized wad of hair out of the tub drain, it's only God's grace that didn't cause a blockage and an expensive plumbing bill.  I just hadn't been paying attention to the drain but I am now.  

So I try to put some lye down every month or so.  Other monthly things: run a cleaning cycle on the washer.  Uh, there is something else.  Oh, clean the water bowls.  I normally do all this on the first.  I already changed the air filter a week ago and it wasn't bad so I will do it again Oct 1.   I am just trying to stay on top of everything.  I am very happy with my washer, for instance, so I am very motivated to keep it working well and the manual did say to clean it once a month with Affresh brand tablets, so I do.  When finances were bad and I ran out I did use 1/2 cup vinegar instead (a repair man told me I could do that), but now that things are a little better and I have my discount I can use the tablets again.  

So today I will take it easy, get a nap, etc.  I already did the laundry about the only thing left on that is herd up all the support socks and put them in their box, also the masks.  I machine wash both and then hang them to dry.  I have boxes for them I keep near the bed so easy to grab when I am dressing.  

But today I am in my baggy knit shorts and an oversized gray tshirt.  Very relaxed.  I have some of the blinds open so I can get some fresh sunlight.  It will be hot today so not opening any windows.  But the AC isn't running (it works just comfortable right now).  

I used to think the house had good insulation until 2019, when I discovered I have no insulation in any of my outside walls.  That was a huge shock to me.  The electric bill has always been moderate I don't understand.  I just have wood siding, studs, and drywall.  How is it low?  Only God knows.  But it is very comfortable in here all the time, I have low utility bills, and very reasonable running of the system.  I do have a big tree out front (about the right size for my one story home) so maybe that helps.  I let the neighbor cut the bushes on the south side boy she was happy to do that...so that's not shading the house.  At any rate I am happy.  

Utility bills will come next week.  Gas and electric.  Electric hasn't been too bad only one person here and thermostat set at 82.  My aunt doesn't complain about it being hot when she comes to visit, no sweating or fanning herself, so I'm not suffering.  

I am not thinking about work today I will deal with that tomorrow.  Not there are big issues, but I always wonder about transportation and they changed my hours a bit.  I don't know why they do that but I can use the $40 I will make tomorrow.  That will buy weeks of cat food and litter, or groceries, etc.  

I am really liking the 10% off.  Even before Ron died I used to think how much of my money went to Walmart, and now I'm getting some of it back.  Especially if it is something I already need.  

I made a smoothie last night with berries, soy milk, and protein powder it was pretty good.  I have some frozen chopped greens I will be adding to future smoothies for a little more nutrition.  We are in the middle of a pandemic and I need to have top notch nutrition.  

And there's Biscuit laying on his plastic bag.  He loves his bag so I'm keeping it.  

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