Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday for a change

 I am trying to be more diligent with the blogging.  

One thing I have found I just naturally wake up early most days, so even on the days I work a late shift I get up early and take care of my stuff before work.  Which means I can carve out 20 minutes or so for a blog.  

I slept OK, cats are good.  Both Biscuit and Spotty got in my lap and attempted to do it at the same time, but not enough lap.  I have some big boys.  I will have to lint-roll before I go to work.  I am wearing my support socks I find them helpful although they are not a treat to wear.  But I feel better at the end of the night when I do wear them.  I have plenty of them and they launder well.  I have good shoes as well.  

Last night I had to deal with one difficult customer who may come back tonight.  He tried to say I was a manager and I laughed at him, said I am "very low on the food chain" and quite happy to be there.  That made him quite angry and then shouting for someone higher up.  She came, he treated her about as badly as he had me...I later told her I was sorry I had to call her but she didn't take it personally.  

Women Walmart managers are tough cookies and bulletproof so that is good to know.  Male managers are also great.  No complaints with the managers.  

A co worker or two have mildly annoying quirks but nothing I can't handle.  Customers run the whole gamut let me tell you.  Some are wonderful; some are not.  But Walmart probably doesn't want me gossiping so I will leave it at that.  

One of my devotionals this morning was all about working hard for the Lord and having a good witness at work which of course makes me wonder what kind of night I am going to have?!  We will see I will not blog tonight as I have to go straight to bed when I get home, and then get up early tomorrow (5 AM) to get to work on time Saturday.  

My boss has, on a couple of occasions, asked me to work later on the weekends and when I work Monday so I am going in tomorrow assuming that will happen, prepare accordingly, and then able to say "Yes, ma'am" and do it.  I can use the extra money.  A couple of times I was not ready and had to decline.  

I did talk to my aunt about the bed, also my parents, everyone thinks it is a good idea so I'll get it.  I think I can get it Tuesday if I order it Saturday.  I found a nice blanket at Walmart, twin size, for $6 and it is a type I have on my own bed and very cozy.  My aunt says she has bedding so I would just need a pillow.  And God knows Walmart has a whole aisle of pillows I will go with my aunt and let her pick it out as she will be the one using it.  

I need to do something with Ron's room anyway I can't shut it off forever.  When I liberate his bank account I will have the repairs made but until then I can set up the bed.  I can't leave the door open 1.  Cats in the bed would freak out my aunt.  2. They can get in the drywall.  I don't want them messing up the plumbing or getting stuck.  So I will keep the door shut until repairs are made but at least it won't be so stark when I go in there.  

I don't have a problem using the bed base, I did get rid of the mattress and the bedding he was using at the time he died.  I did keep one blanket for the cats but the sheets and vinyl mattress cover (very useful, that) got tossed.  The bed comes rolled up so I take it back there, cut the plastic, and there's a mattress.  I did that with my bed about 5 years ago.  I was having hip pain on the old mattress, which was over 10 years old, so I tossed it and got a new one from Ikea.  Ikea does not have the mattress I want, in stock.  Never had another problem with the pain once I changed out the mattress.  

It gives me something to think about at any rate.  I just remembered I need to do up a bag of candy, let me do that and come back.  Done.  I got a lot of candy the other day so I am set for a while.  

That's it for now

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