Saturday, August 28, 2021


 Work went fine.  The other girl was there and she was sick.  Not real happy about that but she has some things in her life so I get it.  Also had a pretty sick customer come through buying, of all things, clothes and makeup.  I could relate if it were remedies, pet food, prescriptions, humidifier, stuff like that.  But foundation?  Agh.  

Oh well I knew this would happen when I said yes to working at Walmart.  I know I had a lot of sick customers come through when I worked at Target.  For the record I do like working at Walmart better.  For instance it is a lot easier to get a break and lunch.  I can work extra hours.  Managers give respect.  

I did take my trusty oregano oil when I got home and will even take some of Ron's olive leaf capsules just to be careful.  It is sad I am getting used to not having him around.  I think it really helped when I closed off his room; I stopped looking for him every time I went down the hall.  

But he is not "dead" he is better off in Heaven.  He wouldn't want to come back and I wouldn't ask him to come back the way he was.  When I see him again, and I will, he will be perfected and no problems at all.  I am happy for him but I do miss him.  I am glad I put a moratorium on dating.  Hard to believe I am almost at 6 months.  

I am really glad I do work Saturdays as those were very hard for me at first.  Now I just think about work instead of having a pity party.  And I do grieve but it is not the traditional sobbing.  I am just sad and miss him.  I think a lot of it he had gotten so bad over the years (physically) I had done a lot of grieving already.  

I put in a time off request some months ago so I can have time off when my parents visit.  That was approved almost right away and I double checked it this morning when I checked my schedule.  I have to "assess" every morning before I can log in and just basically say I am not sick, and I'm not.  Once I do that it will let me clock in at the appropriate time.  I also checked my schedule, notable they are having me work some Wednesdays next month.  I am fine having Monday-Tuesday off.  I like the two days together.  I can stay up the one night and sleep in both days.  And I don't have anything going in my personal life except the time off in 3-4 weeks.  

I have been thinking to perhaps have the "godmother" pay for the repairs to Ron's room, it would be nice to open it up again.  She doesn't know the budget yet but I have that pretty high up on the list next to the fence repair (I have had stray dogs getting in my yard through that fence).  So if it's in the budget I will definitely bring it up.  

I need to go take my shower that is it for now.  More later when I get home.  

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