Friday, November 9, 2018

Charging my battery

Last night Ron said he was cancelling all our trips for today.  I checked before I went to bed and he had not. 

I try to get up 2 hours before the pickup, it gives me time to take care of everything.  Our first pickup was supposed to be around 7, so I went ahead and set my alarm for 5. 

I went to bed at 7:30.  I prefer to go to bed early and do, whenever I can.  I can stay up late if I have some caffeine on board but I would really rather go to bed around 8, most nights. 

Biscuit brought home a grasshopper last night, which I found during my shower, he made a lot of noise and woke me up.  And this is him in a cage, outside.  Can you imagine if he ranged free? 

I slept pretty well and woke up around 4:30.  I got my glasses and checked the computer.  Ron had cancelled the trips.  I fed the cats and went back to bed.  I woke up a couple hours later, with a headache, so I went ahead and took some Excedrin and got up. 

I had to move Torbie out of my computer chair - then I got on the computer for a while.  Torbie got in my TV chair so I couldn't use that, I had to stay on my computer. 

Ron finally woke up.  He made a neutral comment to me so I responded in kind.  Then he said he had finished the monthly report (he must have done it last night).  We did that - filed it online and then I made the payment.  We are now in "good standing".  Ron seemed relieved when it was over.  He really hates doing the accounting these days. 

I ask him to back up his templates, put them on a flash drive, but he won't.  If he did I could help - I would need to download an office program (freeware), and figure it out, but I have figured out plenty in my day. 

Ron had a couple of drinks and gave the cats some treats.  Baby Girl got wound up and started attacking Torbie.  I had to chase her outside (catio).  Torbie laid down with Ron for a while, then went to my bed for some relaxation. 

I find it interesting that Biscuit joined her.  They weren't sleeping curled up together but they were right next to each other, and a queen bed is a pretty good size for cats.  You wouldn't think the oldest cat, and the youngest, would be good friends. 

Greg, our handyman (he built the catio), was supposed to come out today, but it is cold and was raining earlier.  I somehow think we won't see him for a little bit.  Over 10 years ago Greg told us he was over retirement age so he is probably well into his middle or late 70's by now - BUT he does really good work and we have no problem with that.  I just worry about him up on ladders.  Greg has done innumberable small jobs for us (cat door work, hanging a door, building a gate).  We are happy to have him.  We are actually Facebook friends. 

I woke up with a bad headache (as I said) and it never improved.  I could tell when my first Excedrin dose wore off and had to take some more, which meant I wouldn't be taking a nap today anyway.  I'm not jittery or manic, though.  The caffeine is balancing the "natural" depression.  I did some laundry, computer, TV.  I'm trying to take it easy because next week is going to be insane. 

I will be able to do short mobile posts from my cell phone.  I would definitely keep an eye on the page because it's going to be interesting. 

Will Amtrak be accessible to a man in a wheelchair? 
Will paratransit get us there in time? 
Will we find a cab at the train station to go to the hotel? 
Problems? with hotel? 
What will we eat?  They claim they will (conference) feed us at least a few meals but there are "casual" restaurants on site. 
Will my neighbors "let" me sleep? 
Will Ron fall asleep and snore again, during the speeches? 
Will Ron behave? 
Will the cats be OK while we're gone? 

Lots of questions.  But we're not there, yet, so I will focus on charging my battery. 

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