Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Time Call

Today's going to be short.  1.  I'm depressed and 2.  Not much happened today. 

I woke up at 5 AM with a splitting headache.  I know there is a hormonal component but ah!  Killing me! 

My cycle is still pretty light but I don't "trust" it.  I expect the flood anytime now. 

I took some Excedrin and went back to bed.  The caffeine had me wide awake, tossing and turning, pretty shortly.  I got up for a while on the computer, then went back to bed after a couple hours. 

I slept another hour or so and got up at 9.  Back on the computer and then I took a shower. 

We were supposed to leave the house at 11.  First I have to tell you about the pills. 

Ron takes Neurontin for nerve pain in his legs.  He is in excruciating pain if he does not take it.  I ask him periodically if he needs a refill, and he kept telling me "I have a whole other bottle". 

OK.  Sunday he told me he couldn't find the other bottle, and he only had 8 pills left.  Ensue all kinds of mayhem trying to get it refilled.  Doc wouldn't do it because they said he should have another bottle.  He couldn't find it.  They told him he had better find it because they were not giving him any more. 

He scheduled a paratransit trip from the house,to the doctor, and then to Walmart pharmacy.  After that we would go out to lunch. 

Well, after it was too late to change the trips he found the bottle of pills.  He didn't need to go to the doctor or Walmart.  He did, however, need a ride to the Denny's.  We had a ride home, but not a ride there. 

You can do something called a "Time call" with the cab company.  Basically, you call them ahead of time (in Ron's case, the night before), and tell them "Come pick me up at 11", which is what he did. 

However, they put it in as a subsidized cab trip.  Drivers hate those trips because they have to fill out a lot of paperwork for the government and stand in a long line to get paid.  Some drivers, like Lou, practically live on the fares, but most drivers detest them. 

We didn't see our driver until 12.  He said he kept seeing it come up and felt sorry for us.  He took us to the restaurant.  But Ron had to rearrange the pickup because we only would have had about 10 minutes. 

This Denny's is not very efficient, especially at lunch time.  We were going to need all the time we could get. 

Ron didn't want to eat.  They were out of Diet Coke so Ron got a regular one and barely sipped it.  I got my build your own slam.  I was bad and got pancakes with it, eggs, double bacon, and fruit salad.  It was good.  I offered Ron some bacon and he said no. 

He just sat there bitching about how fat he had gotten.  My headache came back.  I ate some aspirin.  I drank a couple glasses of unsweetened iced tea with pink stuff in it.  I like the pink stuff. 

We had a long wait on our ride, which, amusingly enough, turned out to be another private cab.  They just hired him off the street to take us home.  They could have sent him an hour ago, I told Ron, we didn't have to wait. 

We got home around 3 (remember we were supposed to leave the house at 11) and I took a nap.  I woke up with a much better head but pretty bad depression.  I had taken my pills with lunch. 

Tomorrow should be pretty busy so we will see.  I am pretty tired so hopefully I will sleep OK tonight. 

The cats are good.  Baby Girl and Biscuit wanted to go out in the garage, so I let them, for a while.  Then I let them back in.  Baby Girl came right in but I had to pick Biscuit up.  He had a good thing going on in there.  He was all dusty.  He probably loved it. 

That's it for now. 

Oh, good news, my Scripture Booklets, for Halloween, came in today.  I am all set now except for snickers and plastic bags.

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Have fun with your holiday bag " do up" !