Sunday, September 17, 2017

Not sleeping well today

I didn't sleep very well last night.

I woke up at 1:45, having drunk all my water.  I picked up my water jug and went up to the kitchen to refill it.  It's too tall to fill at the bathroom sink.

I saw something funny at the base of the driveway.  A sedan with tinted windows, blocking my driveway.

I found it odd that it hadn't parked in a "normal" parking area, as there was plenty of it available.  I was pretty angry, because he was blocking my driveway.

Next time, I resolved, I would call a tow truck.  I decided I would get a phone number for a towing company in our area and call to have it towed, if it happened again.  Ron woke up, and suggested we call the police.  I told him to do it, but before he could, the car left.

This morning, I found a police car parked in front of my house so I think something happened.  What?  I'll never know.

I do wish I had called the police before he got away.

I went back to bed and slept poorly until I got up.  I took a shower, didn't do my God Time, got on the computer.

Ron was playing his music, rather loudly.  I worried he would get the neighbors started.  He did turn it down when I told him the police were outside.

I took a nap, but again, didn't sleep well.  I got up and got ready to go to Denny's with Ron.  We went and had a pretty good time.

They "messed up" my order but it wasn't a big deal.  They gave me one egg and double sausage, instead of double eggs and one side of sausage.  I certainly wasn't going to send it back.  They got the bacon right, and the side of fruit salad, so I was happy.  She got Ron's order right, and brought me plenty of diet Cokes, so I was happy.

Ron said he had a dream about Denny's, last night.  I helped him enact that, nothing weird or naughty, but some things (good deeds) I like to keep private.

We had a good ride home.  The driver was black, listening to public radio stories of discrimination.  I told him a story about a black driver who was almost beat up by a mexican client's family.  She was barely verbal and acting out, sexually, in the cab.  When she got home she continued to act out sexually while yelling sex words and pointing at the driver.  The family, understandably, reacted poorly.  The driver barely escaped.  Needless to say he refused any more trips involving that client. He was worried he wouldn't be so lucky next time.

The driver ended up retiring a few years later.

We came in the house.  Ron wanted me to play him some Youtube songs.  I did.

I fed the cats.  Pretty soon I need to go to bed.

I hope you had a good weekend.  ((((Hugs))))

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