Monday, September 4, 2017

"Off" days

Well, I figured out "my neighbor" was actually watching a movie with the volume turned WAY up.  I was able to ascertain it was an English action movie so probably not #6.  I am guessing it was either the house behind us, or #2.

#2 has proven to be less-than-hoped-for in a neighbor, so it wouldn't surprise me, but I couldn't say for sure who it was so I guess I won't know if/until it happens again.  Ron was pretty rude about it when I complained to him; he said he couldn't hear it so it wasn't that bad.  I reminded him he had a hearing loss but he said no.

So I lay in bed listening to heroic music, dialogue (I could tell it was English but couldn't hear the words), and action sequences until the movie finally ended.  Ugh.  It had a lot of explosions.

Then I got some sleep.  I got up this morning, took my shower, fed the cats, etc.

We were going to Carl's Junior for breakfast.  Our ride to pick us up was late.

Then we had to pick up a guy at a pawn shop.  He wanted to be dropped at McDonald's instead of his apartment.  The driver called to get permission; dispatch said no.  The driver dropped them (he had a girlfriend with him) at the gate instead of the actual complex.

They decided to jaywalk, a very busy street.  It will be a miracle if I don't hear of them on the news, getting hit.

We were next.  I ordered a breakfast burger.  I gave Ron the tatertots and removed the buns.  We ate, we had a pretty good time.  It was kind of long, though.

Our ride came to take us home and we had a straight trip.  That was nice.  I took a nap.

But #6 was outside playing with a leaf blower (revving it,turning it off, turning it on again, revving it some more, turning it off for a long period, revving it, I doubt he was actually cleaning - I think he was just playing with it).  Some of the kids were outside screaming and yelling, but as I figured, it was too hot for them so they went inside before long.

It will be cooler this week, we have a cold front coming, so I expect to hear more of the kids but that will be "reasonable" hours.  And I wasn't really annoyed with #6 because he was making noise, for a change, in the middle of the day when you expect it.

Now I could get my nap, and I did.  I didn't have any nightmares either.

I got up and peed, then got on the computer.  My internet world is pretty quiet today except for Hurricane Irma, which still might get us in Houston.  I pray it doesn't.  That's the last thing we need.

We got mail delivery today.  The mail is backed up so they are working "off" days to catch up.  I got a sampler for a dandruff shampoo.  It looks like it cost the company a lot of money, someone must have sold my name to the company.

I am happy with my cheap shampoo.  I have oily hair so I need something cleansing.

Someone from work called Ron and asked how much he charges for the peach tea.  So they did take a couple cases.  I thought so.  Hopefully they will write us a quick check on that and not keep us waiting on our inventory money.

I will be very curious to talk to the other vendor tomorrow.  I asked Ron to make it a longer day so we can get everything done.  My candy rows looked pretty bad.

If the stockroom didn't get raided again, I have a good supply of inventory now, but I have to have time to stock it.

I also talked to Chuck, he said management really failed, because last time (Hurricane Ike) they had trucks full of ice, water, and MRE'S for the workers.  This time, they just had a cartload of pastry they stole from our stockroom.

Chuck also agreed to take Baby Girl to the vet (Ron doesn't want me to take her to the shelter to get her chip, even though it is significantly cheaper), so she can get her microchip.  I don't want to lose her if she gets separated from us.  And it could happen.

I do have plenty of carriers for everyone.  I just need to get an axe or something and put it in the attic.  Oh, and when we passed Home Depot today I saw a big trailer in the parking lot, and a State Farm command center set up too.   Yesterday the Walmart had a lot of $400 generators.

This is the chance for a lot of companies to shine; will they step up and help out, or will they stay home and count their profits?  It should be interesting.

HEB, for instance, a grocery store chain here, has gotten itself tremendous goodwill and popularity for having such good logistics,open stores, things people want, etc.  You can't pay for that kind of good will.

I know a couple of grocery stores in Galveston were handing out free water after Hurricane Ike.  I'm sure the residents remember just who had what.

Hopefully, at work, they will feel good about us because we "fed" them when they were stuck at work with nothing to eat.  But, really, severe weather is coming to town, you don't bring some extra meals?
I guess they were counting on the truckload of MRE's.


Spankadoo said...

I am hoping you stay safe and dry! Good you are able to get to work feed others and out of the house even just to shop work and eat

I would use the shelter as well for the chipping the money goes to a non for profit but I also get the "choose your battles" thing.

Many huge hugs!

Heather Knits said...

Yeah, Ron didn't want to stress her with a long car ride, and he is paying for it, so why not take her to the vet? I'm sure the vet can use the money.