Sunday, September 10, 2017

He's a puker

It's a bad combination, depression and feeling uninspired.

Yesterday morning I got up, got ready, and we headed off to the Sam's Club to buy more inventory.  The thieves in my stockroom made off with our peach tea, and Sam's was out the last time we went.

We got to the store and I looked around.  Plus one: they had water.  Plus two: they had tea.  Unfortunately they didn't have any other bottled sodas.

Later on, I talked to the manager.  Not in an ugly, demanding, way, but just "What's happening?"  She told me they get all their supplies from the distribution center, and the DC hasn't been sending the bottled soda, for whatever reason.

Maybe, they figure, with the flood, we need more water.  I know places like Victoria do.  But most of Houston, from my view, is pretty much recovered in terms of potable water.

Same problem with snacks, certain "best sellers" were out of stock, and I had to compromise.  I hope the customers are understanding.

I got what I could, paid, and left.  Jack came to get us, and we went to work.  Jack was pretty happy loading the truck, it was all snacks, pretty much, hardly any drinks at all.  They didn't even have canned Coke.

Same thing unloading when we got to work, I only brought out two carts.  That's all we needed.

I got everything into the building.  Snacks looked OK to me, so I didn't stock.  I will have a long day of stocking tomorrow, though.

Speaking of, while I was stocking "Mr Freebie" came in.  He always asks if we have something free.  Hardly ever buys anything, brings his own lunch.  I was a little raw on the subject what with my stockroom being looted, and was a little terse.

He tried to explain to me how it is OK for people to completely neglect to prepare, when they know a storm is coming, and then to make it my problem by looting the stockroom.  Why didn't they bring extra food?  Didn't they plan on being stranded, since it happened before during Allison?

I asked him and he didn't have any answers, just kept saying they would pay us (When?), and I left.  I am sick of people helping themselves to my stuff because they think they have a right to it, and I am really sick of the whole I exist, so I deserve the merchandise that Ron and Heather paid for with their hard-earned money.  No, you're not that special.

If you'd like to buy something, we'll talk.  If you only have a $20, I can make change for you.  If you don't have any cash, there is an ATM at the front of the building.  God gave you the brains to prepare, if you're so inclined.  If you choose not to use your God-given brains (we had plenty of warning), then that's not my problem.

Back to work.  We finished up and left; I came home and took a nap.  We got up and went to the BBQ place.  It had been a while.

We had a good ride.  For now, the toll roads are free for everyone so it was an easy, quick, ride.  We got there and ordered our food.

We were there for about an hour.  I wasn't terribly hungry, so I just nibbled at my brisket and drank my soda.  We had a good time.

I like eating out with Ron because generally, the restaurant doesn't serve anything stronger than beer, if they serve alcohol at all.  If he's at home, he is drinking.

Our ride home pulled up right after we left.  He had another pickup, a lady at a steakhouse right around the corner.  I gave him directions.

When we got there, she tried to scam him (when you are in certain service areas, you must provide 2 tickets to ride, a pass is worthless), then had a tantrum when it didn't work.  She said someone had approved for her to ride without remembering their name (she was not elderly or intellectually limited), brought a passenger with her, it was very tight in the backseat for Ron.  She lectured Ron about eating pork (I was dying to ask, "What are you, a muslim?").  Plus she kept moving her leftovers around, spilling them, etc.  I was so happy to get out of that vehicle.  She didn't spill on Ron, amazingly.

Later on Ron agreed we will ride with Chuck for my birthday/our anniversary dinner next week.  I don't want someone like that trying to ruin things for us.

We came in the house.  Biscuit greeted me, along with Baby Girl.  Baby Girl always greets us.  If she doesn't one day I will know she is sick.  I fed them and Biscuit gobbled it down, then proceeded to vomit, 3 times, on the floor.

[sigh]  He's a puker.  I love him, but I do get a little tired cleaning it up.  Thank God for disinfecting wipes.

Baby Girl, endearingly, tried to cover it up. She found some scraps of paper on the floor (I'm not very tidy), and painstakingly scraped them over the mess, diligently working to eliminate any trace of the unpleasantness.  I told her "I got this",. petted her, and nudged her out of the way, disinfecting wipes in hand.  What a quirky little girl.

I went to bed.  I slept pretty well and woke up about half an hour before the alarm.  I took my shower and got on the computer for a while.  Ron woke up, got dressed, etc.

I put my medication in my little portable thing, and took it with me.  We were going to Starbucks.

Ron has apparently gained weight.  He is feeling "very fat" and has decided to fast to lose the weight.  I told him to watch the carbs, that doesn't seem to be something he wants to do.  He will deprive his body of everything, instead.

Men, from my experience, have a very easy time losing weight.  Women, not so much.

So he just sat here "staring" at me drinking my heavy whipping cream steamer (if I can't eat paleo, I eat keto).  Again, we had a pretty good time.  He couldn't drink.

Our ride was a little early and liked us.  She was a nice girl.  She kept talking about various horror movies she has seen.  We got home in good time.

We had to file our accounting report today, so we agreed to take a nap (Ron and I) and then get up and do it.  We did that.  Ron got confused about some numbers and I had to edit it three times.  But we got it done.

Biscuit kept bugging me while I did the report, and Baby Girl was whining.  I looked at the time, oh.  After 6.  I feed the cats when I wake up, and at 6PM.  So I fed them.

Happily Biscuit has not puked today.

I already had a big lunch so I will probably get into my peanut butter today and then call it done.  I have to get up pretty early so I will be online for a little bit and then bed.

I don't know if I mentioned my adoptive grandmother.  She is my stepmother's mother.  We have never been close but she is very close to my stepmother.  Anyway, she was in Florida, in the path of the storm.  She had a hellish evacuation but she is safe now and resupplied.  She is 95.

I'm glad to hear she made it.  It's one thing for me to consider, if I ever did evacuate I would probably have a very long ride on the road.  How would I plan for that with the cats?

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