Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dance to it

Social media can be very useful for me.  It seemed like all my friends complained about a neighbor's loud party. 

I wasn't too surprised when #8 decided to turn up the music at 10:30 PM.  I wouldn't have minded it if it had been earlier, but, like Ron said "They're good and drunk now".  It continued until after 12:45 AM. 

It was interesting for me, laying in bed.  I hate acknowledging anxiety.  I hate it.  I feel like "anxious" people need lovemaking, a caffeine reduction, or a "mental" pill.  Ideally, all 3. 

However, I noticed, as I lay in bed last night - the music wasn't upsetting me the way it normally would.  I wasn't consumed with anxiety and frustration.  I have to credit the Depakote. 

I had thoughts like "How do they dance to it?"  That thought consumed me for a while, because it was not a danceable beat.  The music would stop for a couple minutes, and then start again.  I envisioned a drunken guy fumbling through his CD collection, trying to find "The good one" to put into the player. 

I wondered what all the other neighbors were thinking, particularly the family of 7 living between me and the noisy one.  The noisy one was renting, I wondered why, so often, in our neighborhood, the tenant really "brings down the neighborhood".   The other noisy people are also renting, but I think they have figured things out. 

It's been quiet today, and very hot, so we'll see what happens tonight.  Theoretically people could be having a BBQ today.  However, I think a lot of people will have to work tomorrow.  [shrug]  I don't, so it's not as urgent. 

Nothing beats the frustration level on a loud party nearby, and I have to wake up in 5 hours to go to work, do a Bible Handout, or both. 

I got a good nights sleep and tried to sleep as late as possible.  As a result, I woke up with a headache that evolved into a "worse headache".  Fluids seem to help, so I'm staying hydrated. 

Ron was a little worse, but in an overall good mood concerning his problem.  A while ago, I told him I assumed he had his own plan for taking his antibiotic.  He said yes and told me the times.  He needs some help with the issue, which he will not let me share.  I do what he can't, and I don't mind. 

I did what I could and he thanked me for it.  It's sad and scary: our health is so fragile, and so easily broken.  We just assume our bodies will function as well tomorrow, as they did today.  That isn't always the case. 

So, I'm keeping a sharp eye and trying not to worry.  After watching half an episode of "Criminal Minds" (probably my current favorite), I did my God Time. 

I feel a tremendous responsiblity for the recipients.  I know God is guiding them, He is the boss, no question.  But I feel, since I introduced them, I have a duty/obligation to pray for them every day.  I do, I take that very seriously. 

I burned some candles, and they aggravated my headache.  Not the best idea.  Oh, well. 

Then I watched more TV (today is my "off" day - where I do nothing), took a nap, woke up, found my cat lying on Ron, watched more TV, enjoyed Pretty in my lap for a while, ate dinner, enjoyed Pretty on the top of my chair acting like a headrest, Baby Girl came home, gave them both treats, let them out, and just trying to leave all my problems in God's hands. 

I could worry about a lot; starting with finances, and Ron's health.  However, I am choosing not do to so.  I put up a generic prayer reqest for Ron (he "allowed" me to say it was an infection) on Facebook, so I have others praying for him too. 

Tomorrow I plan to take care of the backyard and work on organizing the house.  I even have hydration drinks. 

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