Friday, January 19, 2018

They never play games with the Haldol

Yesterday was long, hence no post.  I got up, went to work, and stocked.  It looked like most of the employees had stayed home or brought their own lunches, I had minimal work to do for snacks.  Always plenty to do helping Ron, but not much on my end of things. 

I helped Ron with his work and got it all done. 

We came home for a little bit, not long enough for a real nap, and then went straight out to Walmart to get my drugs.  This one helps with the mixed episodes, so pretty vital.  Well, they're all vital, just in different ways.  Amusingly enough, they have never played games with late Haldol, the antipsychotic.  They never play games with the Haldol. 

We got a few little things and my medication.  The tech, the same one I had last time (I referred to him as "My boyfriend") said I saved about 150-90= $60 on this prescription.  Next time I am going to ask if Doc can just use the regular release instead of extended.  I don't see why I would need extended relief, I mean release.  Hopefully I can get it a lot cheaper if I do that. 

Depakote is used for bipolar, and also for seizures, so you would think they would cheap it up a bit.  Oh, well, they need to pay their employees. 

Anyway, finished at Walmart, went home.  Had about an hour, then Ron wanted Denny's.  So we went. 

I wanted something cheesy so I had the sampler platter with fried cheese sticks.  It was very good.  Sauce was pretty meh, but the sticks were good.  Ron had a half order or nachos.  He ordered some soup to go. 

We didn't have very long, that's just how the trips worked out.  But I had a pretty good time and then we came home.  It was pretty late for me (8) so I just went to bed. 

I woke up a couple times during the night, and when Ron heard me awake he complained he could not sleep.  If he eats, he doesn't get drunk when he drinks, and if he doesn't get drunk, he feels he can't sleep. 

I don't know if that's true or not, but it's what he believes. 

I woke up around 8 and Ron was up.  He turned the house heater on to suffocating levels because "the floor is cold" then put on shoes.  Just put on shoes and don't turn the heater up to suffocating.  I'm all dried out and it feels like a desert in here. 

At one point, Ron had me look up reviews of his mother's nursing home.  Both parents were placed in a nursing home, several years ago, by Ron's brother and sister, who had told us they had made a pact to "take care of them".  His sister was supposed to take care of their mother, his brother, their dad.  Dad developed dementia so I understand why he was placed, but his mother was living independently with a little assistance from his dad.  She did fall a lot, though.  Anyway, they decided mom would be "too much of a burden" and placed her with her husband.  It was nice they kept them together, I'll give them that, but putting someone in a nursing home is a big deal. 

How did I find out about it?  After all, they were all acting as if Ron died.  I am facebook friends with Ron's cousin, and she went to visit them.  She has no concept of security, stalkers, etc. and posted the name of the nursing home when she "tagged" the pictures.  I think she did one of those "So and so is at [location name]" things too just in case I didn't get it. 

So I know the name of the nursing home.  It isn't that far from us, as things go.  I asked Ron if he wanted to go, he said no.  Sometimes he says he would like to bring her a (frozen, commercial) bowl of gumbo and heat it up for her, but I don't think she could eat it.  She had a lot of digestive issues.  Other than that, I told him, if he's serious call and ask the home if his mother would even be interested in seeing him - after all they did that whole "don't bother us again" thing the last time we went to visit. 

If she were open to a visit, I would be happy to take Ron, if he wanted to go.  He has not wanted to go.  I can't blame him, she hurt him terribly and now she's in poor conditions. 

More on that: today Ron asked me to google the nursing home and it has some terrible reviews.  So it is probably a pretty miserable place to be.  But she trusted the other kids to "take care of her" and this is how they did it.   More importantly, this is what they've modeled for their own kids, so they can expect the same treatment in another 10 years. 

It's not like we could get her out, I have my hands full caring for Ron on top of my own, multiple, disabilities.  We have no room in the house for the equipment she would need.  We have cats.  I am sure she requires specialized care. 

So we would basically be going to gape at her and I don't think that would be fair to anyone. 

I plan to take a shower, then do my God Time and take a nap.  Ron had wanted to go out later but he changed his mind.  We had a gift card. 

He seems happy, he just ate one of his bowls of soup.   I'm going to go take my shower. 

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